Application question: Looking for a program that will allow me to templetes

Daniel Robitaille daniel.robitaille at
Sat Nov 24 18:22:58 UTC 2007

On 24-Nov-07, at 8:33 AM, Richard Seguin wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> This question applies to Ubuntu because I am wondering if we have
> anything in our repositories that could do this.
> I want to produce a document template and have a front end program
> (like a Java program I will be making) fill in the information in the
> relevant parts of the form...
> What applications could do this? and do we have it readily available?
> Richard Seguin

Can you use the pdf format for that purpose instead of writing your  
own java front-end?

I used as an example this form from the US government:

and was able to use evince in Gutsy to fill out the various boxes in  
it.  But then I wasn't able to resave the filled out copy. I haven't  
tried other pdf viewers. So maybe it's not a good option  for linux  

The other problem, and I don't know the answer, is if  there are any  
tool in Linux to create these pdf forms. At my workplace, we use pdf  
forms all the time,  but we are a windows-shop...

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