Updates and Fixes

Jose jtc at totaltravelmarketing.com
Wed Nov 7 14:27:40 UTC 2007

Hi List;

I have a couple of questions about how Ubuntu works when it comes with 
fixes, I don't know if this has been done before with these distros, but 
like when Suse really blew it with 10.1, they remastered the dvd and put 
it back, with Ubuntu, I am having problems with installing as I don't 
have the options I have with Fedora or Suse where I can select what to 
install/ bootloader options, the install from Ubuntu has almost no 
options for the boot loader, but again to my case, how to know if they 
would put a new remastered cd in because of the bugs like the display 
problem with ATI drives?

Any idea where can I access that info from thier site?



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