Freezing Feisty

Andrey Vul andrey.vul at
Fri May 11 09:49:32 UTC 2007

The problem i *NOT* apic, but beryl:
Try disabling Beryl, see if that will work

On 5/8/07, Wolf <wolf.pusztay at> wrote:
> Other boot options to try:
> noapic nolapic
> Cheers!
> cc wrote:
> > On 5/7/07, ubuntu-ca-request at
> > <ubuntu-ca-request at> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I installed Ubuntu 7.04 two days ago using the alternate CD (a clean
> >> install).
> >> Whenever I boot, the OS just freezes/hangs randomly anytime it wants between
> >> 0-30 mins. I can move the mouse but am unable to click anything. Being
> >> unable to restart, I have to push the PC's Power button to forcefully switch
> >> off the computer.
> >>
Try <Alt><PrintScreen>R, <Alt><PrintScreen>S, <Alt><PrintScreen>E,
      <Alt><PrintScreen>I, <Alt><PrintScreen>K, <Alt><PrintScreen>U,
> >> I have a 512 MB Shared Memory Card which I believe is enough for Ubuntu to
> >> run properly without any Desktop Effects.
> >>
> >> Is anyone else facing the same problem?
> >>
> >> Please reply,
> >>
> >>
> > Hi
> > Try disabling ACPI at boot options in the GRUB menu
> >
> > acpi=off noacpi
> >
> >
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at

Andrey Vul

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