Supporting open formats

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Fri May 11 03:27:26 UTC 2007

On 5/10/07, Ralph Pichie <thevillagegeek at> wrote:
> I just sent a thank you to the CBC for providing a live audio stream in the
> open Ogg Vorbis format, which I'm listening to in Rhythmbox on my very
> Dapper notebook. They also provide streams in RealPlayer and other
> alternatives. If all you see on their site is Windows Media, scroll down or
> search. The link to the pop-up window is
> I suggest that not only do we give them some listeners once in a while, but
> let them know we're out there.

not sure if they actually read the feedbacks. For a while a few months
ago the feed didn't work (due to some issue with dns on their
servers), and I wrote to them and didn't get a single reply.
Obviously  it appears to be repaired now, but it was broken for quite
a while.

By the way if you use a cron job and the curl command, you can use
that feed to automatically record show  s from the CBC feed, nicely
saved as an ogg audio file on your computer.  Something like:

/usr/bin/curl -s -m 1800 -o /home/daniel/test.ogg

Would record 30 minutes (1800 secs) of the feed to the file test.ogg.

For non-central canada people, you have to remember that the feed is
on the Toronto time zone.

> Anybody know of other useful open format streams?

the BBC did it for a while, but they seem to have stopped:

Daniel Robitaille

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