sata raid

Alfred alfred.s at
Fri May 4 11:27:42 UTC 2007


I've been "Playing with Ubuntu since 4.04". I had many problems
configuring the hardware earlier on. I bought the book: Beginning Ubuntu
Linux From Novice to Professional, by Keir Thomas. Apress Books.
Copyright 2006. ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-59059-627-2  or
Distribution 1-800-SPRINGER, email ny at Home Page for orders. 573 pages about $34.00 in Canada.
With this book it became much easier to learn about Ubuntu Linux, and
the programs it makes use of. Now using 6.06-1 all on DVD, from

Algonquin, I went there!


On Wed, 2007-02-05 at 23:15 -0400, Chris Patten wrote:
> Wow Peter, great answer.  I really appreciate the email.  I am trying
> to learn more and more about linux/ubuntu specifically.  I am a
> network admin for a medium size company, 100% windows, the whole linux
> world is new to me.  I have been dabbling with ubuntu since version 5.
> I have often reverted back to windows, however I think I am ready to
> stick it out now.  I find the learning blocks to be a real pain
> though, fun yes, but a pain as well.  Do you have any suggestions for
> a quicker way to learn rather than me staying up later than I should
> each night hacking way my through conf samba files! and the sort...I
> haven't found any "windows professionals convert to linux" type
> weekend crash courses, know of any in the Toronto area?  By the way, I
> went to school in Ottawa, Algonquin.  Go sens! 
> Chris Patten
> On 4/30/07, Peter Whittaker <pwwnow at> wrote:
>         On Sat, 2007-28-04 at 09:56 -0400, Chris Patten wrote:
>         > I have a sata raid card and 2x500 gig sata drives, I want to
>         disk
>         > mirror or raid0/1.  The raid is handled in the hardware of
>         the card,
>         > not software.  It worked well under windows, windows showed
>         1x500 gig 
>         > drive.  Now under ubuntu it shows 2x500 gig
>         drives.  Why?  And what do
>         > I need to change?
>         Chris, in all likelihood, RAID was not actually handled in the
>         card
>         under Windows, but was faked out by a driver that shipped with
>         Windows. 
>         In other words, Windows "saw" a RAID device, because it had
>         been *told*
>         to see one.
>         There are at least two reasons for believing this: 1) "real"
>         hardware
>         RAID controllers are *very* expensive (not really consumer
>         itema), and 
>         2) if the card did the RAID, Linux - Ubuntu included - would
>         see a
>         single drive, not two.
>         Real hardware RAID does NOT require software/OS drivers.
>         All is not lost, however! Setting up RAID under Linux is very
>         easy, 
>         thanks to the various utilities that come with the OS. Please
>         refer to
>         the "super simple md recipe" on [1]; if you need assistance,
>         contact me
>         directly, either by email or by phone [2].
>         NOTE! The "recipe" assumes there is no data on the array, that
>         is, that 
>         both disks are fresh and clean and ready to be formatted. If
>         you have
>         data on your Windows RAID array, and you want to preserve it
>         under
>         Linux, then you will either need to back the data up,
>         performing the
>         recipe (tailored to your needs), then restore the data to the
>         array, or 
>         make the array available to your Linux boxes via a Windows
>         file server.
>         Neither alternative is all that attactive, so if someone has a
>         Buzz
>         Lightyear answer [3], post it here!
>         The recipe I added to [1] is easy to tailor to your needs, if
>         you know a 
>         little bit about Linux file systems.
>         In "the recipe", /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd are what Linux sees the
>         two
>         identical drives as (the two 500Giggers, in your case), mke2fs
>         creates
>         ext2 filesystems on each drive, mdadm creates the RAID pair
>         ("-l 1" 
>         means RAID Level 1), and the cat command adds the entry for
>         the new disk
>         to /etc/fstab. (Why ext2 instead of ext3? I figured with RAID
>         the
>         journalling was less important, and that the performance may
>         be better
>         with ext2. I could easily be wrong on both points, I'd
>         appreciate
>         comments... ...I can always reformat my array).
>         The man pages are quite readable, please do plunge in if you
>         need more
>         information.
>         Or call!
>         pww
>         [1]
>         [2] 613 294 6916
>         [3] In Toy Story 2, Mr Potato Head offers Woody a choice of
>         deaths: By
>         monkeys or by shark. Woody chooses Buzz Lightyear. "Buzz
>         Lightyear? 
>         That's a not a choice", screams Potato Head. Presto, Buzz
>         appears and
>         saves the day. I *always* choose Buzz Lightyear. Just like
>         Kirk did on
>         the Kobayashi Maru [4]. It just sometimes takes three tries
>         and little 
>         hacking to get there.
>         [4]
>         --
>         ubuntu-ca mailing list
>         ubuntu-ca at

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