linux xubuntu 6.1 computer

Don and/or Mila Trombley donmila at
Wed Jan 24 01:01:50 UTC 2007

Andrew Hunter wrote:

>On Tuesday 23 January 2007 03:40, Don and/or Mila Trombley wrote:
>>I am wondering if there is a built-in Linux Xubuntu shut down command
>>sequence which would facilitate shutting down completely the Machine
>>after closing My session, after a specified period of inactiivity?
>>Xubuntu  "logs out, or Shuts down" without shutting down the Packard
>>Bell Synera computer which has a Pentium 2 processor. . . I have to
>>manually shut it down.
>If it is an old machine, there is a good chance that its powersupply does not 
>support being turned off by software.
>To test this try "sudo shutdown -h now".
I did try your suggestion, and it did not work, but it did shut down and 
powered off automatically under windows 98 se, which I do not have the 
disk for, and is the reason why I am using Xubuntu 6.1...
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