Don and/or Mila Trombley donmila at
Sun Jan 7 00:12:07 UTC 2007

I don't know what I did, when I went  and tried to see what BASH  was 
about, and not knowing what command closes BASH, closed down the 
computer,....and when
I tried to reboot the following day, and for some time afterwards, The 
system would not allow me to get the desktop. Apparently,
root@ XyzWeek:/# crops up. I typed in the " OEM "  and my password... 
Then I get Login Incorrect. . . I tried "oem" . . . after a number of tries
comes the following: Login timed out after 60 seconds. Then Ubuntu 6.10 
XyzWeek ttyl ...How do I handle this, so I can continue?

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