Fesity unstable? (Re: DUAL BOOT -- 6.10/7.04 Herd 4?)

Maurice Murphy m1625 at rogers.com
Fri Feb 23 01:28:37 UTC 2007


Thank you.  I have added the Skype repository and everything works 
fine.  I must remember to do the same when I upgrade to 7.04


Daniel Robitaille wrote:
> On 2/22/07, Maurice Murphy <m1625 at rogers.com> wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Can you run Skype with your 7.04?  When I tried it under Herd 2, I got
>> some nasty rejection messages.
> Skype has worked for me ever since I first installed it on a Herd 2
> computer.  I added the skype repository to my sources.list file,
> installed it, and it worked out of the box.

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