DUAL BOOT -- 6.10/7.04 Herd 4?

Maurice Murphy m1625 at rogers.com
Thu Feb 22 15:12:03 UTC 2007

Recently, I tried to set up a dual boot arrangement with my very stable 
6.10 and the then new 7.04 Herd 2.  The installation of 7.04 appeared to 
go OK, allowing me to divide the available disk space, as in a normal 
dual boot with XP.  Unfortunately, when it came time to reboot, I found 
that grub only gave me the option of booting 7.04.  I could no longer 
access my wonderfully stable 6.10. - not a very happy situation, which 
required me to do a complete re-install of 6.10!  Fortunately, I had 
backed up almost all my data.

Does anyone know, _for sure_, whether it is possible to set up a dual 
boot 6.10/7.04 Herd 4? 

I really don't want to have to do another re-install 6.10 all over again!



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