Samba, file sharing

G Mc.Pherson gmcphrsn at
Wed Feb 14 04:10:18 UTC 2007

Hi David,

Regarding your request for information on how to share files between 
Ubuntu and Windows. You might find the following webpage helpful:

You can use the 'ipconfig' command from a terminal window to display the 
IP address of each and every interface on your machine.

One note of caution though, because you are using a DHCP server on your 
router. You'll find that the server issues IP addresses on a first come, 
first served and this means you can not be sure what machine gets, what 
address. This causes problems with file sharing between Windows and Linux.

Your router might be able to assign a specific IP address to a specific 
machine based on it's network mac address (ipconfig refers to this 
address as HWaddr).

Hope this points you in a fruitful direction.


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