Ubuntu easier to install and use than Windows ???

Borden Rhodes dominussuus at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 05:09:55 UTC 2007

Hullo Jim,

Sorry about your frustration and I know how you feel as sometimes not
everything works the first time on my laptop either.  In all fairness,
Windows doesn't often support everything on your computer because, if
they did, then you wouldn't have to download extra drivers from the
manufacturer.  As Dave said, the reason why some hardware doesn't like
Linux at all isn't really Linux's fault - the hardware manufacturers
don't support Linux and they keep their hardware specs secret so
anyone trying to write drivers for them are pretty much working
blindfolded with their hands tied behind their back.

But that doesn't help your Internet problem.

- If you haven't done so already, start with
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto to see if that gets
the modem working properly.  Even if you have partial functionality,
follow those instructions from beginning to end.  Most of my
proprietary hardware problems can be solved with a quick visit there.
- If that doesn't get you connected, search for your modem make and
model at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ and see whether anyone else has
had the same trouble and/or, more importantly, fixed it
- If you're still not connected, write back and let us know what's
going wrong.  If you can dial out, what happens when your modem tries
to call your ISP?  We'll try to figure out your problem from here.

Hope that helps,


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