ubuntu on a low end Mac

Michael Lacey em.lace at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 00:53:08 UTC 2006

If you want to install Ubuntu to that machine, your only viable choice is to
download and install the ALTERNATE CD, which will give you a text based

Personally I would not recommend it, even XFCE will bog down. I recommend
looking for a smaller distro, such as Puppy Linux or Damn Small Linux. Then
again, I'm not too sure about linux and macs. The system use by GNOME/KDE
desktop environments/window managers will definktely crush your computer

On 9/10/06, Alan Pater <alan.pater at gmail.com> wrote:
> With "only" 64MB of ram, you  may be better off with the newest
> Xubuntu, as Ubuntu needs a lot more then that to run comfortably.
> On 9/5/06, Kevin <folkhouse at telus.net> wrote:
> >
> > I have a power mac 5500 64 mb of 2G hd and I'm trying to install breezy
> > badger any hints?
> --
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