Hi !

Timothy Webster tdwebste2 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 8 02:39:15 UTC 2006

                    non-Ubuntu-friendly, far from the Linux Cafe :)

Right now I am in Hong Kong, In Hong Kong they don't even use Unix at Universities. As a result hardly anyone knows Linux, let alone ubuntu. People here see a command line and freeze up.  :(  
  I think people who can't work from the command line are crippled. And OS's that can't do everything from the command line are crippled by design, because remote admin is a pain. But then again, I was a sysadm in the past, so I am not human. :)

I will be here until the end of the year then I should be in Vancouver. Which should a little more ubuntu friendly :) 


Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at ubuntu.com> wrote: On 9/7/06, Mathieu Avoine  wrote:
> Damn you guys! I live so far from Toronto... It would rock to have a Linux
> Caffe around. I must be the only weirdo using Ubuntu in my area!! haha
> Cheers!
> Math

Yeah...Victoria is also so far as well from that Linux Caffe...

By the way Mathieu, where  do you live that is so non-Ubuntu-friendly?  :)

Daniel Robitaille

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