[Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Ubuntu Toronto Marketing Campaign]]
Myles A. Braithwaite
myles at monkeyinyoursoul.com
Wed Sep 6 01:15:26 UTC 2006
So have we changed the date to the 16 September
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Lacey <em.lace@ gmail .com>
To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community < ubuntu-ca @lists. ubuntu .com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:58:54 PM GMT-0500
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Ubuntu Toronto Marketing Campaign]]
Sept 16 sounds good to me!
See you Sat.
On 9/5/06, Dave Sullivan < demsullivan @ gmail .com > wrote: Correction: I received the shipment of CDs today. It came complete with:
* 130 Ubuntu CDs
* 20 Kubuntu CDs
* 10 Edubuntu CDs
* 15 sheets of stickers
* 1 cardboard display stand
If you guys are ready to roll for Sept 16th , that is Software Freedom
Day, then I think we can do it! We'll discuss people's schedules and
availability and such this Saturday at the prep meeting.
See you all Saturday!
Dave Sullivan < demsullivan @ gmail .com >
http :// wiki . ubuntu .com/ DaveSullivan
http :// daves-pgp-key . doesntexist .com/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Dave M. Sullivan" < demsullivan @ gmail .com >
To: "David J Patrick" < davidjpatrick @ sympatico .ca >
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 13:01:24 -0400
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Ubuntu Toronto Marketing Campaign]
Hey David!
I've considered SFD , but I don't think we have enough time ( ie . my
shipment of CDs won't be here in time). This is why I decided to try
and schedule for late September, to give us enough time to organize
people together and get a good group.
Dundas Sq. is actually the spot I had in mind, but I figured our
location would be up for discussion this weekend. We'll have to see...
Just so ya know, I'm the dude with the Ubuntu Canada t-shirt that was
at the Caffe a week or so ago... my aim here is to start a Toronto
local Ubuntu team, and so far we've got quite a bit of interest.
I'll see you on Saturday
On 9/5/06, David J Patrick < davidjpatrick @ sympatico .ca > wrote:
> > From: Dave Sullivan < demsullivan @ gmail .com >
> > To: ubuntu-ca @lists. ubuntu .com
> > Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 16:15:38 -0400
> > Subject: Ubuntu Toronto Marketing Campaign
> > Hey All!
> >
> > The Toronto team is organizing a marketing campaign event that will take
> > place toward the end of September or early October.
> I know it's coming up soon, but have you considered Free Software Dta ,
> Sept 16th ?
> freesoftwareday .org
> I'm working on some stuff with Pia Waugh, and co. for that date.
> > On the date, which
> > is to be announced, we will hit the streets with a box of Ubuntu CDs in
> > our hands and Ubuntu Canada t-shirts on our backs, and we'll spread the
> > word by handing out CDs and raising awareness for Open Source Software.
> yeah.. Dundas Sq, Sept 16th .. ;-)
> >
> > We are organizing a planning and preparation meeting on Saturday,
> > September 9th , at 2PM at the Linux Caffe .
> And we're looking forward to it. I will probably have video camera in
> hand, and will want to interview many of you in order to prepare a
> press kit for SFD , the following weekend. zat ok ?
> > If you are interested in helping out with this project, we invite anyone
> > and everyone to the meeting, to help plan for this event. If you have
> > any questions, feel free to ask.
> super cool ! if you can think of any other linux / OSS luminaries in TO,
> I would like to invite them too (for "talking heads" video)
> thanks D,
> djp
> --
> djp @ linuxcaffe .ca
> www . linuxcaffe .ca
> 326 Harbord Street, Toronto, M6G 3A5 , (416) 534-2116
Dave Sullivan < demsullivan @ gmail .com >
ubuntu-ca mailing list
ubuntu-ca @lists. ubuntu .com
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Myles A. Braithwaite
myles @ monkeyinyoursoul .com
+1 (647) 300-6985
http :// www . monkeyinyoursoul .com/
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