Ubuntu Toronto Marketing Campaign

Myles Braithwaite myles at monkeyinyoursoul.com
Sun Sep 3 01:24:23 UTC 2006

I am going to post something on the Toronto Linux User Group today to
get the word out.

Dave Sullivan wrote:
> I've posted an announcement on craigslist:
> http://toronto.craigslist.org/grp/201441404.html
> It has also been posted by Myles on upcoming.org:
> http://upcoming.org/event/103433
> Both of these sites, combined with this mailing list, should hopefully
> result in a decent turnout. We had a video-related meeting (which ended
> up more like a meet-and-greet) and only three people from the mailing
> list showed, but a few people were asking about us because they had seen
> something on upcoming.org.
> I'm hoping we have a decent turnout. I've currently got 160 Ubuntu CDs
> being shipped to me for this project. I also requested a few
> Kubuntu/Edubuntu CDs to be shipped with it, but I'm not sure if they
> packed them. I'll find out when they get here.
> Hope to see you all next Saturday!

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