Bureaucracy and focus (was Re: Difference Between Automatix and EasyUbuntu)

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Thu Nov 30 20:47:47 UTC 2006

Abdurahim Shariff wrote:
> Abdurahim here... just wondering, have you ever used lyx to create a
> LaTex document?
> If so, can you tell me how to insert a page break?
Sorry, never used lyx. All the LaTeX I ever did was generated by
databases or 'vi'.

(It was a very sweet way to be able to produce justified,
proportionally-spaced text from database output. I even did custom,
on-demand catalogues using LaTeX and an SQL database about 15 years go.)

Once upon a time, LaTeX to me was the only way to produce and store
documents, but I don't think that anymore, since the development of good
quality open source word processors and XML tools. I don't think there's
been any significant improvement in anything TeX related in a decade,
certainly the 'tetex' package for Linux certainly hasn't changed much
since RPM was invented.

- Evan

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