I give up (was problems as newbie: Bob)

R. Wood au516 at freenet.carleton.ca
Tue Nov 21 00:03:43 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Allegedly, on Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 11:17:15AM -0800, Bob stated:
> R. Wood stated:
> > Allegedly, on Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 11:27:40AM -0800, Bob stated:
> > > 5.  Is there a good file control/manipulation app available that
> > > works in the GUI. I can work reasonably well from the command
> > > prompt in OS/2 but haven't a clue as to Linux command structure?
> > 
> > Two alternate file managers that I like are 'thunar' and 'krusader'
> > ('emelfm' is a lean krusader of sorts).
> > 
> > In the terminal of course there is always 'mc'  :-)
> > 
> > Have Fun with GNU/Linux,
> > Raymond
> First let me thank Dave Sullivan, Leslie Lewis and Raymond Wood for
> their assistance in their attempts to get me going with Ubuntu. I find
> that I really need a "Linux for Dummies" because I am making *no*
> progress.
> First e.g. I downloaded the .deb file with the Win32 codecs and it was
> "INSTALLED" by some magic. 

What method did you use to download and (allegedly) install?  (e.g.
command-line?  synaptic?  other?)

> Then I tried to view a .wmv file because I thought that the codecs
> would have been installed to the video viewer.  

We need to verify that the codecs were *actually* installed.

> No such luck and then I found that all that had happened was that the
> archive had been opened and the files it contained had been
> "INSTALLED" in a folder but that was it. 

If you use 'synaptic' (your best bet at this stage I'd wager) then this
would not be the case.  The 'download' and 'install' stages are both
accomplished automagically when you use this tool properly.

> How to get them *really* installed has me baffled, I've read the help
> file of the video viewer which was of no *help*.

Yes, video viewer help, and Ubuntu installation methods would be 2
separate areas.

> Second e.g. The audio player will *not* play .wav files but has no
> word on how to get it to do so.

Again, you need to verify that anything was installed at all.  Answering
my first question above would be the logical first step, if you are
still interested in pursuing this.

> This is just a sample of the frustrating things that I have
> encountered in attempting to get Ubuntu to do what *I* want it to do.
> Please don't point me to Linux on line docs, I have read pages and
> pages, but because I don't speak Unix or Linux it just appears as
> baffelgab.

I think it is very good to try to do things yourself, as you have.  But
then there is over-doing that approach, especially when you are just
starting out  :-)  I recommend you avail yourself of the expertise this
group has to offer *before* you totally give up ;-)

> So people, that's it. Unless I can find someone locally to hold my
> hand and walk me through setup procedures I'll have stick to my old
> OS/2 WARP until it can't handle so much new stuff that I quit all
> together.
> Best regards.
> Bob Barr

FWIW, I think OS/2 is the past, and I think Ubu is the future.  Why not
give it another shot, and take advantage of the people on this list who
are more than willing to help you -- if you just ask  :-)

Have Fun with GNU/Linux,
- -- 
"Be Nice, or Leave - By Order of the Management"
(Sign above door, Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield)
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