linuxcaffe workskop ideas

David J Patrick davidjpatrick at
Sun Nov 12 21:35:19 UTC 2006

this resent using another email address, cause I got too many of them;

On 12/11/06, David J Patrick <djp at> wrote:
> Hi y'all !
> last night's New to ubuntu workshop was a delight, by all accounts.
> see;
> with photos to follow.
> and we'd like to schedule a workshop for EXERY Saturday afternoon,
> from 5pm to 7pm, with optional discussion groups afterwards. David
> Sullivan did a bang up job and has agreed that New2Ubuntu should be a
> regular (monthly ?) thing.
> There are lots of interesting, talented folk around, with something to say.
> here's a few workshop ideas, that are brewing;
> -Multimedia, codecs and music production
> -Inkscape and the Gimp
> -shell scripting recipes with your favorite cryptic cruciverbalist. (hi Chris !)
> -MythTV / roll your own PVR
> -FLOSS Advocacy for Canadian institutions
> -Unix Security or Lack Thereof
> -How to Work with the Windows World
> -Using
> anything strike your fancy ?
> any other Ideas ?
> thanks, see you some Saturday,
> djp
> -
> --
> djp at
> geek chic and caffe cachet
> 326 Harbord Street,
> Toronto, M6G 3A5,
> (416) 534-2116

djp at
geek chic and caffe cachet
326 Harbord Street,
Toronto, M6G 3A5,
(416) 534-2116

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