Novell Sells Out

R. Wood au516 at
Thu Nov 9 04:07:29 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Allegedly, on Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 07:43:06PM -0500, Alfred stated:
> On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 00:22 -0500, Russell McOrmond wrote:
> > Myles A. Braithwaite wrote:
> > > Check out Port 25 (Windows Open Source Blog) to see what they want
> > > to do.
> > >
> > 
> > Interesting article.  Bill Hilf's choice of language seems to be to
> > deliberately confuse all the very different types of "intellectual
> > property" as if there is no distinction.  This is a common in those
> > who support information/mental process patents, ignoring the laws of
> > nature and the origins and purpose of the laws that they are
> > commenting on.
> > 
> > There is a night-and-day difference between patents involving humans
> > manipulating the forces of nature to create something tangible, and
> > information/mental processes which are entirely unrelated concepts.
> > 
> > Unfortunately for us most people don't know the difference, whether
> > it be from a laws of nature of economic perspective.
> > 
> > Russell 
> Hi:
> I've seen these kinds of posts for a few days now! My Take on it! The
> Sky isn't falling. Some wise person once said. Fear Starts with an IF,
> and ends with a MAYBE!  I Figure "Just keep a Cool Head, and when
> something erupts then deal with it!" All these Fears about what might
> happen, only give the parties actually involved more ammunition, to do
> the very things you Fear the most! So Calm down - Take a Deep Breath.
> Relax, and in that head space you are very well equipped to handle, what
> ever comes your way! 
> Anything can happen. Example Nothing happens in the Software World of
> note, but a Meteor Slams into the Earth! Anything can happen! Stress is
> very bad for your Health!
> So Calm Down, and in the state of Calm, then Tackle the thing!
> Perhaps they are looking for an adjustment to their Business Model! 
> If you see the Bad things all the time, well there is a whole bunch of
> that going on! It could develop into something good too. It depends upon
> what colour of Glasses you have on. There is much good going on in the
> world too, if you care to search it out! You might even start being one
> of those good people yourself some day! There are things you can save,
> worth saving. Then there are things you can't save! Something new and
> different may come out of it too!
> Alfred! 


Read this
and then start visualizing a world without SuSE/Novell/M$


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