Capturing *any* audio in Linux - was: Re: Greetings from a newbie

Leslie Lewis lesliel8 at
Sat Nov 4 18:06:59 UTC 2006

Good idea but it doesn't work. Never mind. I've nearly got them all broken
into MP3s by now and won't have any problem playing them after that.

I really don't like copy protection, but I guess they have to make money
somehow. Actually there's nothing to stop me from making many CD copies of
their books, but really I don't have enough space to store 100 books on
10-15 disks each.

The article on unlocking Audible books Alan mentions suggests re-recording.
That would take 10-20 hours a book. Life is too short. GoldWave (when you
have a licensed Audible desktop, which is the only way you can play these
books anyway) takes half an hour to split a book into 15-min. MP3 segments.
You can also record a book to CD-RWs, then convert the files on the CD to
MP3 or OGG format and reuse the CD. Takes a bit longer, but breaks the book
up into more logical segments.

Sorry to waste so much time on this. It's one of the few things I can do
that others seem to have trouble with. I just wish I could do it in Linux.


On 11/3/06, Alan Pater <alan.pater at> wrote:
> I see a note on the Wikipedia article on FairPlay that the VLC player
> can play those files. Go to Applications > Add/Remove > Sound & video
> > VLC media player...  VLC is quite a kitchen sink of a media player,
> who knows, maybe it even can play .aa files as well?
> On 11/3/06, Alan Pater <alan.pater at> wrote:
> > indicates that they used 2
> > different formats, their own  .aa format, and Apple's  AAC with
> > FairPlay(sic).
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