[Ubuntu Toronto] A Call for Ideas

Dave Sullivan dave at dave-sullivan.com
Thu Nov 2 15:12:24 UTC 2006

Hey All,

I'd like to make a call for ideas... toss anything at me, no matter how
stupid or pointless it may seem at first. What kinds of things would you
like to see Ubuntu Canada/Toronto doing? What do you envision when you
think of the team working together to achieve a common goal? And, more
importantly, what *is* this common goal, in your mind?

Let's toss around a few ideas before the next meeting and put them up on
the agenda. That way, we can be prepared for the next meeting to further
discuss these ideas and proposals, and hopefully make a decision or two
regarding any potential projects. Get involved, and let's hear what you
have to say!

Dave Sullivan
dave at dave-sullivan.com

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