Ubuntu Toronto: Meeting Process Proposal

David J Patrick djp at linuxcaffe.ca
Thu Nov 2 02:49:37 UTC 2006

On 01/11/06, Dave Sullivan <dave at dave-sullivan.com> wrote:
> I'd like to propose a semi-formal process for meetings, so that we can
> ensure that things get done, but that we also have time to chat and
> socialize.
yes please !
> I'd really like for meetings to be on a bi-weekly basis. Monthly works,
> but it seems like a lot of time between meetings, and perhaps things
> won't get done as quickly.
I agree.
> I propose (and what seems to be a trend) that we meet on the first and
> third Wednesdays of every month. Between each meeting, we should use our
> meeting page on the wiki [1] to develop an agenda of items. At the
> meeting, we will go through this agenda and address the related issues,
> and perhaps get some work done on projects that people might have in
> mind. Once we've gone through the agenda, the rest of the time can be
> spent talking, playing, learning, or what have you.
rockin good plan.
> I'm proposing this simply because I'd like for us to achieve and
> continue to strive towards the goals listed on our wiki page [2] as well
> as have time to socialize and have fun.
al work and no play...
> What do you guys think? Yay or nay? Let me know either way. (5 points
> for rhyming!)
real good, but I think you shoulda gone for the extra 5 points, for meter, too !

djp at linuxcaffe.ca
geek chic and caffe cachet
326 Harbord Street,
Toronto, M6G 3A5,
(416) 534-2116

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