Interesting IBM article about collaborative web sites.

Brian Burger blurdesign at
Tue Jul 25 23:41:31 UTC 2006

On 7/23/06, Myles A. Braithwaite <myles at> wrote:
> I thought this was a interesting article about collaborative web sites
> we could maybe implement at

Interesting set of articles, but I really don't think we need anything
nearly that complex at I can't see the point in duplicating
existing Ubuntu community recourses on

When Corey & I rebuilt, one of the principles we started with was
"link to existing resources, rather than attempt to duplicate them"...

We don't need a wiki - Ubuntu runs two of those already.
We've got a mailing list, so we don't need forums.
File transfer/storage - maybe, but the wikis can host files too.
Schedules - can't see how we'd need this.

Even for things like lists of LUGs Canada-wide, I'd much rather link (as we
currently do) to CLUE's big database, and have people make additions &
improvements there. That benefits the larger Canadian Linux community far
more than creating a new massive list would.

If we did switch over to a CMS, it would be a much, much simpler
one than Drupal, but again, I think a basic static webpage serves our needs
just fine right now.

That said, if anyone does have ideas for content/layout/links/whatever for, feel free to bring them up!

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