Moral Question: Is it right to traking people email online

Claude Larochelle claudelarochelle at
Tue Jul 11 14:50:10 UTC 2006

Myles, if user are willing to give a replying address, and if the adress
they are giving are not used to gather adresses to sell it to every body ,
or for another usage that user don't know, I will say it is not immoral to
do this.  Is really different when you are leaving your address to this

Maybe I just did not understand exactly the point  :-|

Have a nice day,

Claude on vacancy!

2006/7/11, Myles A. Braithwaite <myles at>:
> I am currently creating an web based project manager that will do a
> number of things including an area where a user will be able to forward
> an email to the site and it will save on to the database. This will be
> done by sending an email to the projects name converted to a MD5 sum @
> what ever the domain. But this will allow users to set reply-to to said
> email address, thought at a design/development point I have no problem,
> it seems that is is more of a moral issues. Do you think that it would
> be wrong of me to do something like this? Or should I just not release
> the email address to users, making them just use the Thunderbird Plugin?
> --
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> ubuntu-ca at
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