List admin

Peter Whittaker pwwnow at
Thu Jul 6 17:47:58 UTC 2006

Ya know, I was writing the email below, taking things a point at a time,
when it suddenly occurred to me that ctrl-l is just as easy as ctrl-r,
and deciding which one to use would make me think twice about which
behaviour I really want.

So count me as "Against": I'd rather change nothing and see if I cannot
get used to using ctrl-l.


On Thu, 2006-06-07 at 12:07 -0400, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> Daniel Robitaille wrote:
> > Both Corey and me are list admin and can make this change.  Anyone
> > else for or against this change?


>    I was once all for the reply-to munging, untill we got into a deeper 
> discussion about it... please, anyone who thinks that MLs should do that  
> to youre mails, please read this:

"It adds nothing". Untrue, it adds usability: Rather than having to
decide which reply function to use, the user replies and gets good
default behaviour. (I am often irked by replies-to-list that should have
been personal replies, but IMHO on "good" lists, like this one, they are
rare, and all most other lists, their inevitable, ain't much can be done
to stop 'em).

"It makes things break". Untrue, if done well in the list. One of my
other favourite lists munges reply-to to the list and the OP and the
listserver filters duplicates of the same message. So if I reply or
reply-all and do nothing else, it goes to the list; if I reply or
reply-all, I can remove the list from To: and have hit go to the OP. I
like that.

"Freedom of choice". You still have every freedom. You just have to copy
addresses from the original. That fraction of list participants whom I
believe will be a small minority will be mildly inconvenienced for the
sake of greater overall usability without anyone sacrificing freedoms,
rights, or privileges.

"Can't find my way back home." If your listserver does things that
badly, file a bug or get a new one. "From:" and Cc: should still be
there, this isn't an informational black hole (or shouldn't be).

"The rest". There are some good arguments in there, but none that really
sway me... ...oops, see the start of this email.... :->

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