School Board policy, clarification

Allen Graham allenggraham at
Mon Jul 3 17:54:35 UTC 2006

July 3,
FROM: Allen G. Graham

box 872, Bobcaygeon  ON. K0M 1A0
TO: the Hon. Sandra Pupatello
      Minister of Education

-- School Board Policy, in reference to computer use and skills training,
clarification please:

Please advise this writer, what is the Boards'  policy in regards to the use
of "operating systems" (O/S) on personal or student use , computers ?
 ie: Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, Apple OS/X, Microsofts' Win2000, Win 98 etc

Further, which "operating systems" are designated for mainframe or clustered
systems ?
ie: Apache on Linux, Unix, Linux , AIX, FreeBSD etc.

Which computer languages are taught and on what type of "operating system"?
ie: C, C++, Python,  Pascal, Fortran,  etc.

Further, for communication purposes what "E-Mail" client (program) is used
by the various Boards ?

If you require some background information regarding my inquiry please send
e-mail regarding this.

yours respectfully,

Allen G. Graham
......a business consultant ,   this letter is not intended to seek
contracts or remuneration of any type.
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