Ubuntu and Youth

Anthony Yarusso tonyyarusso at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 28 19:54:51 UTC 2006

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Matt Chamberlain wrote:
> Hi everyone, this is my first time posting.  I'd like to let everyone
know about what I'm doing to promote Ubuntu.  I'm only 14, but I've
still done a few presentations at my school and locally, and I've
distributed quite a few CD's.  I find that youth are a great group to
appeal to, because lots of them need a free/cheap operating system that
doesn't need a high end computer, and that's what Ubuntu is.  Sorry if I
went on a little long.  If anyone has any comments or suggestions on
what I can do, I'd love to here them.  Thanks!
> ---------------------
> Matt Chamberlain
> _________________________________________________________________
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Welcome!  One thing we should give you a heads-up on is that there are
a couple of university students in the Canada LoCo who have an
interest in doing presentations on campus, but not the time to put
them together, so if we can get them and high school students working
together, we might be able to do something cool.  That extends beyond
Canada as well - it's just started coming up.
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