Getting Approved

Tee Jay Rosene teejayrosene at
Tue Dec 19 03:16:31 UTC 2006

Actually, ignore the comment I made earlier (as posted below). It appears
that because I was at work, I did not have enough time to really look at the
roadmap in detail. My bad. There's actually quite a bit of info there, and I
should have looked harder before opening my trap.
Lessoned learned? Reactive email = bad etiquette.

Yes, I'm very committed to getting this project going, as well as to
Ubuntu in general. I have a few questions, nonetheless, pertaining to
the roadmap.
> What would my involvement (particularly with the roadmap) do to help the Ubuntu Canada community? I'm not trying to sound naive; I just need a little information, that's all.
> (Maybe there should be a "How You Can Help" section on the website outlining what Canadians can do?)
> Anyway, this roadmap sounds interesting, please tell me more:)
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