Ubuntu-Toronto site, Linux web & wiki editing software suggestions?

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Tue Dec 5 17:53:43 UTC 2006

C. Martens wrote:
> Certainly I could use some software suggestions :) I currently have
> Quantas here (don't know how it arrived) but I must confess I don't
> know how to use it very well, especially the css stylesheets part of
> it. I mean, I've edited several company and nonprofit org websites in
> the past, but I normally go right into the codes and edit
> content-only, leaving structure and graphics alone. I guess I should
> learn css...Any ideas of something that makes it seem easier, for a noob?
> Do other readers have 'simple' web-editing favs?
Sounds like you're on the right track, in wanting to concentrate on
content. Why not just use a CMS such as Drupal or Joomla so that you can
continue to concentrate on content?

- Evan

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