Help with french doc review

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Mon Nov 21 04:20:06 UTC 2005

On 11/18/05, MF <MagicFab at> wrote:
> Howdy,
> I am wondering if there's any french-speaking folks in the list, as I've
> finally translated the spanish handout I had made, which I am giving out
> with Ubuntu-Live CDs when promoting U.. I'd like to have
> comments/feedback before translating itto english. Of course if anyone
> wants to help in translation, it's most welcome :). I'd like to submit
> this for the DIY Marekting page at
> once it's in english.
> (OOo 2.0)
> (Acrobat)
> You may need the Ubuntu Title font available from the same DIY page for
> proper display under Ooo2.
> Cheers,
> Fabian

We should work with Ubuntu Doc team and marketing team and develop
this further. It should also go into version conrol somewhere,
probably the doc teams svn repo is best.


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