Moving to Joomla

Mr. Myles Braithwaite myles.braithwaite at
Sun Nov 20 22:04:22 UTC 2005

Mambo is not open source any more but joomla is.

On 19-Nov-05, at 4:36 PM EST (CA), Michael McMahon wrote:

> So why are we wanting to leave the mambo group for the joomla group?
> What features are there that you really need and want to use.  Just  
> want
> to understand what we are trying to gain.
> Thanks
> Michael
> myles braithwaite wrote:
>> Could who ever is working on the site upgrade to the Latest  
>> Version of
>> Mambo Joomla. Here is the Migration documentation
>> -- 
>> Myles Braithwaite
>> Myles.Braithwaite at <mailto:Myles.Braithwaite at>

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