Ubuntu Canada CD insert

Andrew VanSpronsen avanspronsen at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 01:51:42 UTC 2005

Yes, I was using Adobe Acrobat Reader.


On 11/6/05, Brian Burger <blurdesign at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/6/05, Andrew VanSpronsen <avanspronsen at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I like it. The Ubuntu Logo is a bit dark though and I think it makes it
> > a little tough to read. Any chance it could get lightened/softened up?
> Were you viewing it in Adobe Acrobat Reader? See my comments in the 2nd
> email about problems w/ xpdf/Evince vs Acroread. The transparency of the
> Ubuntu logo isn't displayed or printed in Evince or xpdf - it's a known
> bug...
> But yes, I can lighten the Ubuntu logo further if people think it's still
> too dark in Acroread.
> Brian
> - "Madpilot" on IRC -
> --
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Gmail - Hits the spot! :-)
GPG Key ID: 1024D/F18A34B9 2005-08-27 Andrew VanSpronsen (E-mail key) <
avanspronsen at gmail.com>
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