A tale of 2 websites

Andrew VanSpronsen avanspronsen at gmail.com
Sat May 28 19:36:35 UTC 2005

1) Yes we can easily include those links in whatever direction we choose.

2) I am not a fan of planets but this has been asked for and we should be 
able to easily deliver this if we move forward with
ubuntu.ca<http://ubuntu.ca>as is

3)I like having our own wiki, a place to put together all our docs and 
thoughts before moving them to the ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com> wiki. Also 
we wouldn't run into conflicts with page names. Mediawiki is also nicer than 
the wiki ( ZWiki? ) on ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com>. Lets all discuss the 
merits of our own wiki and see what people think. 

The wiki on ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com> could be marginalized and used 
mainly to point people to our available resources for more info. We would 
not be the first LoCo to have their own wiki as well as leveraging the 
ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com> wiki.

4)I am have been advocating a forum from the very start. Should we host it 
ourselves or have ubuntuforums host it is the $50 question. I see advantages 
to both. Myself, I am leaning towards hosting it our self, integrated into 
our presence. One way to keep a vibrant online presence is to keep people 
coming back to the site. The more we have on our site the more reasons and 
often people will have to visit.

What do people think?
On 5/28/05, Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I would also volunteer to work on getting the website sorted out.
> > McMahonm, theantix, and Myles I am hoping would help me. I know they 
> have
> > been interested/involved. We can sort out the options and consolidate to 
> a
> > single, professional, flexible web presence. Sound OK?
> a few comments about ubuntu.ca <http://ubuntu.ca> vs ubuntu-org.ca<http://ubuntu-org.ca>
> *) ubuntu-org.ca <http://ubuntu-org.ca> has some useful links that are not 
> present in
> ubuntu.ca <http://ubuntu.ca>: to the irc logger, to the mailing list page, 
> to the main
> wiki on ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com>
> *) it's a low priority item, but personally I like planets as a way to
> get info about a community. The one on ubuntu-ca.org<http://ubuntu-ca.org>was bare, but it
> was a start. (note to myself: need to update my blog). Would it be
> possible to do that on ubuntu.ca <http://ubuntu.ca>? Is there an actual 
> interest for
> this?
> *) do we need a wiki on ubuntu.ca <http://ubuntu.ca>? We should use the 
> one on
> ubnutu.com <http://ubnutu.com>. It's there, on a server already maintained 
> for us, and
> the advantage is that for users not familiar with
> ubuntu.ca/ubuntu-ca.org <http://ubuntu.ca/ubuntu-ca.org>, they can find us 
> and info simply by doing a
> search on one main site. I don't like having information partitioned
> in 2 different wiki on 2 different web sites; it a recipe for
> confusion on the long run.
> *) I'm not a forum user, but do we need a forum on ubuntu.ca<http://ubuntu.ca>? 
> Or we
> could carve ourself a place in the main ubuntuforum web site? That
> forum site is very popular, and as such I wonder if placing our
> forums there would insure a higher visibility for the Canadian group;
> and make it easier for people to find us and the info we would serve
> via forums.
> --
> Daniel Robitaille
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
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Gmail - Hits the spot! :-)
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