The Inuit language and Ubuntu

Alex Combas alex.combas at
Wed May 4 18:07:30 UTC 2005

> >
> About this, i forgot to go deeper. Just a detail actually. but the
> project pages of this l'inuxtitut project should be more ice look and
> feel. Instead of beige, brown and red, we should use white, light
> bleu, light grey... and why not try to find inuit making a circle like
> the orginal photo...

It took a lot of planning and work just to get the idea we have now so 
to redo all that work just for our Inuit project seems like an 
unnecessary hassle, and it goes against design principles to have 
two different looking styles on the same site.

Lets not bury me in unnecessary work please. 
Redesigning the entire site is lots of work already.

Alex Combas | alex.combas at | irc:sabmoc

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