Ubuntu Canada Meeting

Hodgins Family ehodgins at telusplanet.net
Sat Dec 17 04:21:15 UTC 2005

Good evening!

>I guess there was never a meeting on the 15th?  (which turned out to
>be a very bad time for me anyway due to a Christmas event at my son's

Yeah, I guess that there was no meeting.
And I hope that your son's Chrsitmas event was great, by the way!

>Should we attempt to reschedule one?  Or try to organize a more
>structured discussion  via email?
>Daniel Robitaille

Here is a question: What needs to be discussed?
Maybe we could pick 10 things of national interest with a view towards 
solving/agreeing on 6 OR
since we're Canadian pick 20 and agree to compromise on 12 (one for each 

Just an idea


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