We need to move on
Andrew VanSpronsen
avanspronsen at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 12:24:44 UTC 2005
1) Vote - The vote should proceed as described earlier. Changing the dates
is confusing and I have heard from a number of members that we don;t want
this to be a long drawn out process. The Wiki page has been setup and
communicated. lets move forward as is and not mention dates anymore.
2) Webpage - The web page redesign stuff has been picked up by shadowing and
I since it looked like no one was doing anything about it. We would love to
have help because neither of us are web designers. We just saw a need and
through our hats in the ring. We have been putting in some time on this,
working with the French LoCo. We currently have a number of ideas that we
are ready to bring to the group. An update will follow, maybe today.
3)Voting - We talked last night on IRC about having a mailing list vote. One
person would be responsible for counting the votes and updating the Wiki
page. nominees not voting sounds good to me too.
On 4/29/05, Alex Combas <alex.combas at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/28/05, Ryan Thiessen <ryan at ryanthiessen.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Daniel, for bringing some information to add to our speculation.
> > Okay then, instead of what I suggested, maybe we should wait until the
> end
> > of UDU to see what to do. Maybe one or more of us can attend the next CC
> > meeting and see if we can figure out the procedure for LoCo leadership.
> When does UDU end? Waiting might not be a bad idea, the people who
> have power to make decisions at Ubuntu move when they have the time to
> do so and if there is a big event going on right now then they
> probably dont have the time.
> At the very least I suggest the deadly to apply for Leadership to be
> moved to Monday May 2nd, 11:59pm Pacific time, and the deadline for
> votes to Monday May 9th, 11:59pm Pacific time. (Pacific time because
> it is the western most time zone and so the last place to reach
> midnight in the country.)
> This will give us about 10day to have this wrapped up.
> Also we haven't yet agreed how voting will take place, and if a person
> can vote for themselves if they are being nominated for Leadership.
> (I don't think nominee's should be aloud to vote.)
> > But, what should we do until then? Do we really need an official leader
> > to do things or should we just steam ahead? I think we could still
> > incorporate Andrew and Antoine's work, and get more people on the
> > planet, and just spruce things up in general. Then when we finally get a
> > project "leader", they can figure out where to move us after that point.
> First of all, I would like to see the CanadianTeam wiki cleaned up,
> dual language on a single page is just really confusing.
> Second, I would like our main site to be completely redesigned,
> tonight I updated
> the information on our site so take a look at www.ubuntu-ca.org<http://www.ubuntu-ca.org>and
> let me know if you see any problems.
> I'm currently in a web developer class at BCIT and I am learning a lot
> about good
> design and development principals, at the time when I wrote the site
> at www.ubuntu-ca.org <http://www.ubuntu-ca.org> I was completely self
> taught and now that I've
> taken a class I can see just how bad it is.
> I'm going to redesign the site as my term project. It wont be jaw
> dropping amazing but the stuff I'm learning will enable me to blow the
> current site out of the water, not that that really says a whole lot
> in light of the current site.
> Cheers
> --
> Alex Combas | alex.combas at gmail.com | irc:sabmoc
> --
> Alex Combas | alex.combas at gmail.com | irc:sabmoc
> --
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