<pre>Announcing the Next Ubuntu Bug Day! - Thursday 03 December 2009<br><br>Fellow Ubuntu Triagers!<br><br>This week's Bug Day target is *drum roll please* Ubuntu Translations!<br> * 7 New bugs need a hug<br> * 14 Incomplete bugs need a status check<br>
* 71 Confirmed bugs need a review<br><br>Bookmark it, add it to your calendars, turn over those egg-timers!<br> * Thursday 03 December 2009<br> * <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091203">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091203</a><br>
<br>Are you looking for a way to start giving some love back to your <br>adorable Ubuntu Project?<br>Did you ever wonder what Triage is? Want to learn about that?<br>This is a perfect time!, Everybody can help in a Bug Day!<br>
open your IRC Client and go to #ubuntu-bugs (FreeNode) <br>the BugSquad will be happy to help you to start contributing!<br><br>Wanna be famous? Is easy! remember to use 5-A-day so if you do a good<br>work your name could be listed at the top 5-A-Day Contributors in the<br>
Ubuntu Hall of Fame page!<br><br>We are always looking for new tasks or ideas for the Bug Days, if you have one<br>add it to the Planning page <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning</a><br>
<br>If you're new to all this (like me), head to<br> <a href="http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs">http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs</a><br><br>Have a nice day,<br> Kamus<br>[From the BugSquad]<br></pre>-- <br>Victor Vargas B.<br>
Latitud: -33.439177,-70.625267<br>Santiago, Chile.<br><br>