New subscriber - Mike Dombrowski

Mike Dombrowski mike.w5dom at
Sat Jun 1 17:11:22 UTC 2019


I'm looking forward to contributing to the team. I'm trying to get myself
oriented and looking over the documentation in the Wiki. I welcome any and
all wisdom that members are willing to share.

Here is a question for clarification... I'm noticing there are bugs marked
"New" that were reported years ago on old versions of Ubuntu. As an
example, Bug #301481 specific to 7.1 and 8.1 according to the reporter. Is
there a reason this is outstanding and I should avoid updating its status
to "Won't fix"? I'm being cautious.

Also, is there a mentor identified to quick-start new volunteers? I would
like to coordinate with them for the first month of my participation.

Thanks in advance!

On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 10:41 AM Vej <ubuntu at> wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> welcome in the Ubuntu Community and the bug squad.
> If you have any questions regarding triaging or sorting of bugs do not
> hesitate to ask (but be patient, we sometimes take some time before
> answering ;) ).
> Best Regards
> Vej
> Am 31.05.19 um 07:30 schrieb Mike Dombrowski:
> Hello team,
> I recently subscribed to Bug Squad to contribute to the cause and
> participate with the Ubuntu community. This is my first form of open source
> participation. My background in Linux is a bit limited but I am an
> enthusiastic student. I've been using Ubuntu as my daily driver since 2017.
> I've taken the Linux Foundation LFS101 Introduction to Linux course and I'm
> currently studying LFS201 Essentials of Linux System Administration. In
> addition to contributing to the Ubuntu community, my short term personal
> goal is to obtain the LFCS certification and transition into the field
> professionally.
> There is much for me to learn but I am enthusiastic about this opportunity
> and hope to be a helpful productive member of the team. I look forward to
> collaborating with the team to continue moving Ubuntu forward.
> Best regards,
> Mike Dombrowski

Best regards,

Mike Dombrowski
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