[Community Help Wiki] Update of "ReportingBugs" by brian-murray

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Mon Apr 29 15:38:12 UTC 2019

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The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by brian-murray:

You can't use ubuntu-bug with -c and -u.

  apport-cli -f -p PACKAGENAME --save FILENAME.apport
  }}} Copy this over to the new computer. If filing a new report, execute via a terminal: {{{
  ubuntu-bug FILENAME.apport
- }}} If this is to be added to an existing bug report, also use the -u option: {{{
- ubuntu-bug -c FILENAME.apport -u BUGNUMBER
  }}} Please do not attach the `.apport` or `.crash` file to the report, as this is not the same as performing the above mentioned steps.
  == Filing bugs manually at Launchpad.net ==

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