[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Bugs/Responses" by vanvugt

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 1 05:17:43 UTC 2018

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The "Bugs/Responses" page has been changed by vanvugt:

  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. The issue that you reported is one that should be reproducible with the live environment of the Desktop ISO of the development release. It would help us greatly if you could test with it so we can work on getting it fixed in the next release of Ubuntu. You can find out more about the development release at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/. Thanks again and we appreciate your help.||
  = Missing a crash report or having a .crash attachment  =
- ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. However, your bug report is missing crash details. In order to debug a crash we will need a crash report. To create one, please follow these steps:<<BR>><<BR>>1. If you are not running a future development release of Ubuntu then apply the workaround from bug 994921.<<BR>>2. If you are running the Ubuntu Stable Release you might need to enable apport in /etc/default/apport.<<BR>>3. If the crash is in Xorg then uncomment this option from /etc/gdm3/custom.conf:<<BR>>`   # Additionally lets the X server dump core if it crashes`<<BR>>`   #Enable=true`<<BR>>4. Reboot.<<BR>>5. Reproduce the crash.<<BR>>6. Look in /var/crash for crash files and when found, run:<<BR>>`   ubuntu-bug /var/crash/YOURFILE.crash`<<BR>>7. Add a comment here telling us the ID of the new bug that was created in step 6.<<BR>><<BR>>Please take care to avoid attaching .crash files to bugs as we are unable to process them as file attachments, and doing so is also a security risk for yourself. ||
+ ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. It sounds like some part of the system has crashed. To help us find the cause of the crash please follow these steps:<<BR>><<BR>>1. Look in `/var/crash` for crash files and if found run:<<BR>>`    ubuntu-bug YOURFILE.crash`<<BR>>Then tell us the ID of the newly-created bug.<<BR>><<BR>>2. If step 1 failed then look at https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/ID where ID is the content of file `/var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id` on the machine. Do you find any links to recent problems on that page? If so then please send the links to us.<<BR>><<BR>>3. If step 2 also failed then apply the workaround from bug 994921, reboot, reproduce the crash, and retry step 1.<<BR>><<BR>>Please take care to avoid attaching .crash files to bugs as we are unable to process them as file attachments. It would also be a security risk for yourself. ||
  = A duplicate =
  When making a bug report a duplicate of another it is important to communicate to the reporter that any discussion regarding the bug should take place in the master bug.  Keep in mind that NUMBER is a placeholder and should be the number of the master bug report.

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