[Ubuntu-bugcontrol] I have written a draft for the Reporting Bugs guide

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Sun May 28 15:27:15 UTC 2017

On Sun, 28 May 2017 16:54:45 +0200
Alberto Salvia Novella <es20490446e at gmail.com> wrote:

NB: I have not yet *read* the new proposal. I am just discussing the
approach here.

> About:
> (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs)
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/es20490446e/Reporting%20bugs)
> Sorry, but I'm absolutely convinced that the latest draft I've
> written is really what's needed.

Alberto, during this thread you were asked why would you want to have a
discussion of the changes in private conversations. You stated
something suggesting "I can then submit something more complete [to be
discussed by the community].

Now you come back absolutely convinced whatever you did (keep in mind I
did not read it yet, I am just discussing form and approach) is THE

I do not know if it is or not. But I can say you are approaching it in
a less than ideal way.

> The sections clearly reflect every use case, and they are organised
> in a logical way. The writing style is conversational and easy to
> understand.
> The content is exactly what the user is looking for, and adding 
> something else won't ease their job nor change their behaviour. If 
> there's something useful to somebody else, it should go somewhere
> else.

Just a question: and what it is we -- the community of bug
triagers/solvers/developers are looking for? Are our requirements
fulfilled? Remember, there are *always* [at least] two sides involved.

You "exactly what the user is looking for". Great. What is it we --
maintainers/developers  -- are looking for? Are our requirements/needs

> The imagery suggests the page is easygoing, softens it, and makes it 
> more memorable. There's nothing impolite about it, neither gives the 
> wrong image of Ubuntu.

> The community isn't targeted to super professionals but to all kinds
> of people, many of which are student in their teens.

> So either you take it as it is, or you leave what you have. I will
> wait till Sunday the 4th, to let you decide yourselves. I will take
> that resolution as hard fact on what to expect in the future.

The above sounds like "either you pay me the ransom, or I will kill the
hostages." A perfect example of ultimatum.

> I'm looking forward to work only with people who are in complete 
> sympathy and harmony with my purpose, which is "easy and
> straightforward over correct".

This is the wrong approach. This is the absolutely WRONG approach.

What you are saying here is equivalent to "I am looking forward to
work only with people that /think like I think/."

This will not happen. This will *never* happen. Everybody has a
(perhaps just slightly) different approach/view/way of

Even more importantly, if I am surrounded only with people that think
like I think, all I have is reinforcing of my own bias and prejudices.

Yes, there will also be reinforcing of the *good* ideas, but there is
no way to KNOW if they are good or not, since nobody in the group will
have a different view.

> Thank you.

and thank you.

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