[Community Help Wiki] Update of "ReportingBugs" by penalvch

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Sun Dec 25 20:38:36 UTC 2016

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The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by penalvch:

Due to LP#1534948 et al. requested folks don't adjust the Status of confirmed Fix Released reports.

   * '''Please test the latest version of the software from upstream.''' <<BR>> Testing the latest upstream release helps in finding out if the issue is a downstream (Ubuntu) issue, or an upstream one as well. If an upstream, then they may also be engaged in seeking support for the problem.
   * '''Please check to see if you problem is a regression.''' <<BR>> If your bug is a regression, it is most helpful to have it bisected. If it is a linux kernel issue, one would consult the article on [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection|bisection]]. Report your bisect results in the report.
   * '''Please do not run apport-collect more than once per release tested.''' <<BR>> For example, if you originally reported a bug in an earlier release via Apport, and then could reproduce it a later release, only run apport-collect once in the earlier release. This minimizes unnecessary email traffic to those subscribed to your report and keeps the report efficient.
+  * '''Please do not change the Status of reports confirmed to be Fix Released.''' <<BR>> For example, a bug was reported against version 1 of the software. Version 2 comes out and is confirmed fixed by the original reporter. However, version 3 comes out later, and either the same or different problem occurs. Instead of reopening the report about version 3 causing a new problem, please file a new report. This allows the focus to be on how the issue was a regression going from version 2 to 3, and doesn't carry over the baggage from the old report into the new one.
  == Hardware bug reports (linux kernel, xorg, sound, etc.) ==

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