From leo.arias at  Fri Dec  9 04:01:28 2016
From: leo.arias at (Leo Arias)
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2016 22:01:28 -0600
Subject: Ubuntu Testing Days
Message-ID: <>


We are starting a new space to invite people to contribute to free
software communities, and we are calling it Ubuntu Testing Days.

Every Friday will be a testing day, and we will have a 1 hour session
where we will show an interesting software project, and some tools and
processes to contribute to it.

Tomorrow we will have Kevin Gunn as the guest, and he will show us the
work recently done in the Unity8 snap, and all the things that are in

You are welcome to join us in at 16:30 UTC.

If you'd like to take a look at the past testing days,

pura vida
¡paz y baile!

From alvaradoma at  Fri Dec  9 06:52:52 2016
From: alvaradoma at (Miguel A. Alvarado V.)
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2016 06:52:52 +0000
Subject: Ubuntu Testing Days
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Great initiative.

See you there.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 10:02 PM Leo Arias <leo.arias at> wrote:

> Hello,
> We are starting a new space to invite people to contribute to free
> software communities, and we are calling it Ubuntu Testing Days.
> Every Friday will be a testing day, and we will have a 1 hour session
> where we will show an interesting software project, and some tools and
> processes to contribute to it.
> Tomorrow we will have Kevin Gunn as the guest, and he will show us the
> work recently done in the Unity8 snap, and all the things that are in
> progress.
> You are welcome to join us in at 16:30 UTC.
> If you'd like to take a look at the past testing days,
> pura vida
> --
> ¡paz y baile!
> --
> Ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list
> Ubuntu-bugsquad at
-------------- next part --------------
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From leo.arias at  Tue Dec 13 18:40:42 2016
From: leo.arias at (Leo Arias)
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 12:40:42 -0600
Subject: Ubuntu Testing Days
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Here's the summary for those who couldn't attend:

We'll meet again on Friday.

From leo.arias at  Fri Dec 16 17:22:42 2016
From: leo.arias at (Leo Arias)
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 11:22:42 -0600
Subject: snapcraft and brews, today at 20:00 UTC
Message-ID: <>


Today is the last testing day of the year, and our guest this time
will be Sergio Schvezov, who leads the snapcraft team.

He will do an introduction to snapcraft and demo how to snap a
project. If you are new to the snappy world, this will be a perfect
way to get started. And Sergio will be answering all the questions, so
you should come and ask things, even if you are not new.

This is also the last working day of the year for many of us. So bring
your favourite drink and join our celebration of a good year of free
software labour ^_^., on Friday, December 16th, at 20:00 UTC

For more information about the testing days, and links to the past sessions:

pura vida

¡paz y baile!

From noreply at  Wed Dec 21 14:34:13 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 14:34:13 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22Bugs/Importance=22_by_penalvch?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "Bugs/Importance" page has been changed by penalvch:

1) one > any as this makes more sense. 2) Add Critical example to more clearly define in comparison to High.

    * A bug which impacts accessibility of a non-core application.
    * A usability issue that does not limit the functionality of a core application.
    * A problem with a non-essential hardware component (removable network card, camera, webcam, music player, sound card, power management feature, printer, etc.)
-  * '''High''': A bug which fulfills one of the following criteria:
+  * '''High''': A bug which fulfills any of the following criteria:
    * Has a severe impact on a small portion of Ubuntu users (estimated)
    * Makes a default Ubuntu installation generally unusable for some users
     * For example, if the system fails to boot, or X fails to start, on a certain make and model of computer
@@ -42, +42 @@

    * Prevents the application or any dependencies from functioning correctly at all
    * Renders essential features or functionality of the application or dependencies broken or ineffective
    * Impacts accessibility of a core application
-  * '''Critical''': A bug which has a severe impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users
+  * '''Critical''': A bug that has a severe impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users
    * Causes data corruption
    * Crashes the entire operating system
+    * For example, if the system fails to boot, or X fails to start, on various makes and models of computer 
    * Renders the system temporarily or permanently unusable
    * Severely affects applications beyond the package responsible for the root cause

From webmaster at  Sun Dec 25 20:38:36 2016
From: webmaster at (Help Ubuntu)
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2016 20:38:36 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BCommunity_Help_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22ReportingBugs=22_by_pena?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Community Help Wiki" for change notification.

The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by penalvch:

Due to LP#1534948 et al. requested folks don't adjust the Status of confirmed Fix Released reports.

   * '''Please test the latest version of the software from upstream.''' <<BR>> Testing the latest upstream release helps in finding out if the issue is a downstream (Ubuntu) issue, or an upstream one as well. If an upstream, then they may also be engaged in seeking support for the problem.
   * '''Please check to see if you problem is a regression.''' <<BR>> If your bug is a regression, it is most helpful to have it bisected. If it is a linux kernel issue, one would consult the article on [[|bisection]]. Report your bisect results in the report.
   * '''Please do not run apport-collect more than once per release tested.''' <<BR>> For example, if you originally reported a bug in an earlier release via Apport, and then could reproduce it a later release, only run apport-collect once in the earlier release. This minimizes unnecessary email traffic to those subscribed to your report and keeps the report efficient.
+  * '''Please do not change the Status of reports confirmed to be Fix Released.''' <<BR>> For example, a bug was reported against version 1 of the software. Version 2 comes out and is confirmed fixed by the original reporter. However, version 3 comes out later, and either the same or different problem occurs. Instead of reopening the report about version 3 causing a new problem, please file a new report. This allows the focus to be on how the issue was a regression going from version 2 to 3, and doesn't carry over the baggage from the old report into the new one.
  == Hardware bug reports (linux kernel, xorg, sound, etc.) ==

From noreply at  Sun Dec 25 20:10:01 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2016 20:10:01 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22LibreOfficeBugWrangling=22_by_pe?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "LibreOfficeBugWrangling" page has been changed by penalvch:

1) Adj. AOO/OOo sect. for transparency, and accuracy. 2) RM'd internal links that were unintentional, or go nowhere. 3) Various adj. to presentation and content for clarity, and approachability.

- Available languages: [[| Italiano]]
+ Available languages: [[|Italiano]]
  ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F1F1ED; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:  98% 0.5ex; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em;">'''Contents'''<<BR>><<TableOfContents>>||
  = Introduction =
-  * Please do not report a LibreOffice bug without first reading this wiki article and performing all the relevant actions mentioned here. Failure to do so may waste your time in filing a frivolous report, or delay your bug getting addressed as quickly as possible.
+  Please do not report a !LibreOffice bug without first reading this wiki article and performing all the relevant actions mentioned here. Also, please do not complain about how long it takes to release a patch, the severity of your bug is high so it should be fixed immediately, "I cannot believe it's not fixed...", etc. This type of behavior is nonconstructive, irritating to others who read your comment, and does not incentivize developers to want to fix your problem. We all want to see every bug fixed as soon as possible! Naturally, bugs being fixed is limited to reproducibility and clarity of the bug report, the actual impact the bug has on the community, and available developer resources.
  = What is not considered a bug? =
  == package libreoffice-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/soffice', which is also in package openoffice-debian-menus ==
+  If you have a crash, and a window pops up asking to report to Launchpad something like:
-  If you have a crash, and a window pops up asking to report to Launchpad something like: <<BR>><<BR>> '''package libreoffice-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/soffice', which is also in package openoffice-debian-menus''' <<BR>><<BR>>
+  '''package libreoffice-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/soffice', which is also in package openoffice-debian-menus''' <<BR>><<BR>>
   Please do not file this as a bug report. It's not a bug, and will be marked Invalid. Instead, please remove the package openoffice-debian-menus first before upgrading.
  == Apache OpenOffice / bugs ==
- The Ubuntu project no longer supports Apache OpenOffice (AOO) / (OOo), in favor of LibreOffice. This is an important distinction for original reporters of AOO/OOo bugs, as AOO/OOo 4.1.1 was released on August 21, 2014, and just the announcement of the next version (4.1.2) coming soon didn't come out until September 27, 2015 (over a year). This indicates a long lag in security and bug fixes, in comparison to LibreOffice's fast, and timely maintenance cadence as noted [[|here]].
+  Apache !OpenOffice (AOO) / ! (OOo) is not supported in Ubuntu. This is due to how:
+   1. !LibreOffice is the default office productivity suite in Ubuntu.
+   1. !LibreOffice releases are [[|fast, timely, and on a scheduled maintenance cadence]].
+   1. Historically, AOO has had a long time lag in [[|releasing new versions, features, bug fixes, and security updates]].
+   1. AOO has not announced a precise, and consistent release schedule for their software.
+   1. Against the consensus of the OOo community, OOo was forced to incur an unnecessary, and largely unwanted licensing and branding change into AOO. 
- Hence, an appropriate triaging response is:
+  Hence, an appropriate triaging response is:
- ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> Thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu. <<BR>> <<BR>> However, there are no new official Apache OpenOffice/ releases in Ubuntu, as the Ubuntu project has transitioned to LibreOffice. Hence, the status of this report is being marked as Won't Fix. <<BR>><<BR>> You are welcome to test for this problem in LibreOffice. If reproducible, please click the button: <<BR>> Also affects distribution <<BR>><<BR>> Distribution: Ubuntu <<BR>> Source Package Name: (Optional) libreoffice <<BR>><<BR>> For more on installing LibreOffice please see [[]]. <<BR>><<BR>> Thank you for your understanding.||
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> Thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu. <<BR>> <<BR>> However, there are no new official Apache !OpenOffice / ! releases in Ubuntu, as the Ubuntu project has transitioned to !LibreOffice. Hence, the status of this report is being marked as Won't Fix. <<BR>><<BR>> You are welcome to test for this problem in !LibreOffice. If reproducible, please click the button: <<BR>> Also affects distribution <<BR>><<BR>> Distribution: Ubuntu <<BR>> Source Package Name: (Optional) libreoffice <<BR>><<BR>> For more on installing !LibreOffice please see '''''' <<BR>><<BR>> Thank you for your understanding.||
  = How to file a bug =
-  * First, please make sure you remove all packages first, then install the full LibreOffice suite to avoid [[|package split collateral damage]], by executing at a terminal:
+  First, please make sure you remove all AOO/OOo packages first, then install the full !LibreOffice suite to avoid [[|package split collateral damage]], by executing at a terminal:
- ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> {{{sudo apt-get -y install libreoffice}}}||
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">{{{sudo apt-get -y install libreoffice}}}||
-   * Please file all your LibreOffice bugs by executing at the Terminal: <<BR>> {{{ubuntu-bug <PACKAGE>}}} <<BR>> <<BR>> where <PACKAGE> is the specific package you found the problem in. For example, if you have a document import issue with Writer: <<BR>> {{{ubuntu-bug libreoffice-writer}}}
+  Please file all your !LibreOffice bugs by executing at terminal:
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">{{{ubuntu-bug <PACKAGE>}}}||
+  where <PACKAGE> is the specific package you found the problem in. For example, if you have a document import issue with Writer:
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">{{{ubuntu-bug libreoffice-writer}}}||
  == Bug reporting template ==
- ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> 1) lsb_release -rd <<BR>> <<BR>> 2) apt-cache policy <PACKAGE> <<BR>> <<BR>> apt-show-versions -r libreoffice* <<BR>> <<BR>> 3) What is expected to happen in Writer is <PRECISE, STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS>. <<BR>> <<BR>> 4) What happened instead is... <<BR>> <<BR>> I have the following extensions installed: lo-menubar... <<BR>> <<BR>> WORKAROUND: Perform the following steps:...||
-  /!\ Please note the above 1) and 2) are terminal commands to execute, and post the results of when initially filing your bug report. As well, you may need to install the package [[|apt-show-versions]].
+  /!\ Please note 1) and 2) are terminal commands to execute, and post the results of when initially filing your bug report. As well, you may need to install the package [[|apt-show-versions]].
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee"> 1) lsb_release -rd <<BR>> <<BR>> 2) apt-cache policy <PACKAGE> <<BR>> <<BR>> apt-show-versions -r libreoffice* <<BR>> <<BR>> 3) What is expected to happen in Writer is <PRECISE, STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS TO REPRODUCE ONE PROBLEM>. <<BR>> <<BR>> 4) What happened instead is... <<BR>> <<BR>> I have the following extensions installed: lo-menubar... <<BR>> <<BR>> WORKAROUND: Perform the following steps:...||
-  * Please do not stack multiple issues into one bug.
-  * Please do not complain about how long it takes to fix a bug, the severity of your bug is high so it should be fixed immediately, "I cannot believe it's not fixed...", etc. Especially, if you have not completed the relevant, below mentioned debugging procedures, let alone contributed code upstream. This type of behavior is nonconstructive, irritating to others who read your E-Mail, and perceived as spam. We all want to see every bug fixed as soon as possible! Naturally, bugs being fixed is limited to reproducibility and clarity of the bug report, the actual impact the bug has on the community, and available developer resources.
  = Debugging =
  == Move ~/.config/libreoffice ==
- Try moving .libreoffice and ~/.config/libreoffice. If you installed any extensions, remove them and see if the problem is reproducible. Comment on the results of performing these techniques in your report. Please keep these directories around -- if moving the profile helps you, developers might be interested in it to find out what was wrong with it.
+  Try moving .libreoffice and ~/.config/libreoffice. If you installed any extensions, remove them and see if the problem is reproducible. Comment on the results of performing these techniques in your report. Please keep these directories around -- if moving the profile helps you, developers might be interested in it to find out what was wrong with it.
  == Bug importing a non-MS Office document ==
-  * If you are reporting about importing a non-MS Office document, please attach the document to the bug report before opening in LibreOffice or in any other program. As well, please post a screenshot of how it looks in LibreOffice with a specific description about how it should look.
+  If you are reporting about importing a non-MS Office document, please attach the document to the bug report before opening in !LibreOffice or in any other program in Ubuntu. As well, please post a screenshot of how it looks in !LibreOffice with a specific description about how it should look.
  == Bug exporting to MS Office ==
-  * If you are reporting about how a document looks different exporting to MS Office, please attach the document to the bug report immediately after saving via LibreOffice, but before opening in MS Office. As well, please post a screenshot of how it looks in LibreOffice and then how it shows in MS Office.
+  If you are reporting about how a document looks different exporting to MS Office, please attach the document to the bug report immediately after saving via !LibreOffice, but before opening in MS Office. As well, please post a screenshot of how it looks in !LibreOffice and then how it shows in MS Office.
  == Bug importing from MS Office ==
-  * If you are reporting about how a document looks importing from MS Office, please save the file in MS Office, then before opening in any other program, attach the document to the bug report. As well, please post a screenshot of how it looks in LibreOffice and then how it shows in MS Office.
+  If you are reporting about how a document looks importing from MS Office, please save the file in MS Office, then before opening in any other program, attach the document to the bug report. As well, please post a screenshot of how it looks in !LibreOffice and then how it shows in MS Office.
  == Bug exporting PDF to Adobe ==
-  * If you are reporting about how a document looks exporting to Adobe Reader, please attach the file to the bug report before and after exporting to PDF. As well, provide screenshots of how it looks in LibreOffice and Adobe Reader.
+  If you are reporting about how a document looks exporting to Adobe Reader, please attach the file to the bug report before and after exporting to PDF. As well, provide screenshots of how it looks in !LibreOffice and Adobe Reader.
  == Bug importing PDF ==
-  * If you are reporting about how a PDF document looks importing into Draw, please attach the file to the bug report before importing into Draw. As well, provide screenshots of how it looks in LibreOffice and Adobe Reader.
+  If you are reporting about how a PDF document looks importing into Draw, please attach the file to the bug report before importing into Draw. As well, provide screenshots of how it looks in Draw and Adobe Reader.
  == Printing problems ==
-  * For issues printing from LibreOffice please report this against cups first via the Terminal: <<BR>> {{{ubuntu-bug cups}}} <<BR>> <<BR>> It could end up being an issue with LibreOffice, but it's best to start with cups in order to rule it out. As well, please follow all steps noted in .
+  For issues printing from !LibreOffice please report this against cups first via a terminal:
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">{{{ubuntu-bug cups}}}||
+  It could end up being an issue with !LibreOffice, but it's best to start with cups in order to rule it out. As well, please follow all debugging steps noted in [[]].
  == LibreOffice crashes but system still functional ==
-  * For instances when only LibreOffice crashes but you can still use the OS without hard rebooting:
+  For instances when only !LibreOffice crashes but you can still use the OS without hard rebooting:
    * Please consult to ensure Apport is enabled.
-   * Please make sure LibreOffice debug symbols are installed (libreoffice-dbg, uno-libs3-dbg, and ure-dbg).
+   * Please make sure !LibreOffice debug symbol packages are installed:
+    * libreoffice-dbg
+    * uno-libs3-dbg
+    * ure-dbg
    * If this happened while a particular document was open or you were manipulating the document in a certain way, please attach that document to the bug report with detailed, click-for-click steps on how to reproduce the crash.
-   * For suspected GUI/desktop environment driven crashes (ex. reproducible in Kubuntu but not Xubuntu), please remove the packages libreoffice-gtk, libreoffice-gnome, libreoffice-gtk3, and libreoffice-kde and comment on if this changes anything.
+   * For suspected GUI/desktop environment driven crashes (ex. reproducible in Kubuntu but not Xubuntu), please remove the following packages and comment on if this changes anything:
+    * libreoffice-gtk
+    * libreoffice-gnome
+    * libreoffice-gtk3
+    * libreoffice-kde
  == The Whole system hangs or boots to the login screen ==
-  * For instances when you are using LibreOffice and either the system hangs requiring a hard reset or you are booted to the login screen, this is a bug in either xorg or the linux kernel. Please follow . As well, if this happened while a particular document was open or you were manipulating the document, please attach that document to the bug report with detailed, click-for-click steps on how to reproduce the crash.
+  For instances when you are using !LibreOffice and either the system hangs requiring a hard reset or you are booted to the login screen, this may be a bug in either the X.Org suite or the linux kernel. Please follow [[]]. Also, if this happened while a particular document was open or you were manipulating the document, please attach that document to the bug report with detailed, click-for-click steps on how to reproduce the crash.
  == Bibisecting regressions ==
-  * For regressions, it is helpful to perform a binary bisect ("bibisect") to narrow down which commit specifically caused the problem. For instructions please see .
+  For regressions, it is helpful to perform a binary bisect ("bibisect") to narrow down which commit specifically caused the problem. For instructions please see [[]].
  = Triaging LibreOffice bugs =
  == Requesting a document ==
- Many bugs are dependent on the document. Hence, it is vital the original reporter provide a minimal test case that demonstrates the issue. An example triaging statement:
+  Many bugs are dependent on the document. Hence, it is vital the original reporter provide a minimal test case that demonstrates the issue. An example triaging statement:
- ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">Thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu better.<<BR>><<BR>>Could you please attach uncompressed/untarred to this report a document that reproduces this problem? Please ensure that:<<BR>>1) If a concern of privacy exists due to the sensitive information in the document, it needs to be removed. Please do not directly e-mail anyone the sensitive document as this puts an undue burden on the other person to ensure a secure chain of custody.<<BR>>2) Please reduce the document so that it has the least amount of content possible, but still demonstrates this problem. The bigger the document, the harder it is for a developer to quickly review it, and provide a fix.<<BR>><<BR>>Thank you for your understanding.||
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">Thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu better.<<BR>><<BR>>Could you please attach uncompressed/untarred to this report a document that reproduces this problem? Please ensure that:<<BR>>1) If a concern of privacy exists due to the sensitive information in the document, it needs to be removed. Please do not directly e-mail anyone the sensitive document as this puts an undue burden on the other person to ensure a secure chain of custody.<<BR>>2) Please reduce the document so that it has the least amount of content possible, but still demonstrates this problem. The bigger the document, the harder it is for a developer to quickly review it, and provide a fix.<<BR>><<BR>>Thank you for your understanding.||
  == Writer and Calc ==
-  * For bugs in Writer, it is helpful to check to see if the problem exists in AbiWord. For bugs in Calc, it is helpful to check to see if the problem exists in Gnumeric. Sometimes, AbiWord and Gnumeric give the bug reporter a usable workaround to the problem (and vice versa). If a workaround is found, feel free to document it in the report. As well, while not quite apples and oranges code wise, it gives LibreOffice developers code to base a patch on.
+  For bugs in Writer, it is helpful to check to see if the problem exists in !AbiWord. For bugs in Calc, it is helpful to check to see if the problem exists in Gnumeric. Sometimes, !AbiWord and Gnumeric give the bug reporter a usable workaround to the problem (and vice versa). If a workaround is found, feel free to document it in the report. As well, while not quite apples and oranges code wise, it gives !LibreOffice developers code to base a patch on.
  == Wishlist reports ==
-  * For Wishlist reports, these typically are requests to implement a new feature in LibreOffice not currently supported. A broad but good rule of thumb is if you want LibreOffice to do something that MS Office does, as LibreOffice intends compatibility with MS Office, please document how specifically MS Office does it, then how LibreOffice does not or does not do well that which you desire.
+  For Wishlist reports, these typically are requests to implement a new feature in !LibreOffice not currently supported. A broad but good rule of thumb is if you want !LibreOffice to do something that MS Office does, as !LibreOffice intends compatibility with MS Office, please document how specifically MS Office does it, then how !LibreOffice does not or does not do well that which you desire.
-   * Please keep in mind, pocket cases exist where LibreOffice intentionally does not do what MS Office does (ex. leap year implementation
+  Please keep in mind, pocket cases exist where !LibreOffice intentionally does not do what MS Office does (ex. [[|leap year implementation]]).
-  * For Wishlist reports, they would typically be marked Won't Fix Wishlist. This is due to how Ubuntu diverts very little from the LibreOffice upstream source release, and upstream's rapid maintenance cadence. <<BR>> An appropriate [[|Won't Fix]] [[|Wishlist]] reply:
+  For Wishlist reports, they would typically be marked Won't Fix Wishlist. This is due to how Ubuntu diverts very little from the !LibreOffice upstream source release, and upstream's rapid maintenance cadence. An appropriate [[|Won't Fix]] [[|Wishlist]] reply:
- ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">Thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu better. Regarding this report:<<BR>>- This is a clearcut upstream issue. Could you please send this to the developers of the software by following the instructions at [[]]? Please provide a URL of the upstream bug, so a bugwatch may be added that will advise about its status.<<BR>>- Marking LibreOffice Packaging and libreoffice (Ubuntu) => Won't Fix Wishlist. This does not mean the issue will not be cared about, but if it is cared about (even by Ubuntu/Canonical contributors), it is done upstream at LibreOffice. <<BR>><<BR>> Thank you for your understanding.||
+  ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">Thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu better. Regarding this report:<<BR>>- This is a clearcut upstream issue. Could you please send this to the developers of the software by following the instructions at [[]]? Please provide a URL of the upstream bug, so a bugwatch may be added that will advise about its status.<<BR>>- Marking !LibreOffice Packaging and libreoffice (Ubuntu) => Won't Fix Wishlist. This does not mean the issue will not be cared about, but if it is cared about (even by Ubuntu/Canonical contributors), it is done upstream at !LibreOffice. <<BR>><<BR>> Thank you for your understanding.||
  == How to forward bugs Upstream ==
-  * Once marked Triaged, a bug that is reproducible in the upstream release would want to be filed upstream using the [[|LibreOffice Bug Submission Assistant]], or in the old fashioned way at
+  Once marked Triaged, a bug that is reproducible in the upstream release would want to be filed upstream using the [[|LibreOffice Bug Submission Assistant]], or in the old fashioned way at [[]].
+  Once a remote bug watch has been added to a bug report, it is helpful to append [Upstream] to the beginning of the bug title. This helps in searching for bugs reports by title. Please do not append this unless a remote bug watch has been added to the report as this creates confusion on which bugs have been reported upstream and which have not.
-   * Once a remote bug watch has been added to a bug report, it is helpful to append [Upstream] to the beginning of the bug title. This helps in searching for bugs reports by title. Please do not append this unless a remote bug watch has been added to the report as this creates confusion on which bugs have been reported upstream and which have not.
+ = Links =
+  * [[]] - The !LibreOffice in Ubuntu support page

From noreply at  Sun Dec 25 21:39:57 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2016 21:39:57 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22LibreOfficeBugWrangling=22_by_pe?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "LibreOfficeBugWrangling" page has been changed by penalvch:

As per LibreOffice Packaging team, folks who use their PPAs are welcome to file reports on Launchpad:

   For bugs in Writer, it is helpful to check to see if the problem exists in !AbiWord. For bugs in Calc, it is helpful to check to see if the problem exists in Gnumeric. Sometimes, !AbiWord and Gnumeric give the bug reporter a usable workaround to the problem (and vice versa). If a workaround is found, feel free to document it in the report. As well, while not quite apples and oranges code wise, it gives !LibreOffice developers code to base a patch on.
+ == LibreOffice Packaging PPAs ==
+  While PPAs are by definition not supported in Ubuntu, for those who use the PPAs provided by the [[|LibreOffice Packaging]] team, courtesy support is extended to help them. As a triager, it is helpful to add in the report the tag '''ppa''' in the tags field, and triage as normal.
  == Wishlist reports ==
   For Wishlist reports, these typically are requests to implement a new feature in !LibreOffice not currently supported. A broad but good rule of thumb is if you want !LibreOffice to do something that MS Office does, as !LibreOffice intends compatibility with MS Office, please document how specifically MS Office does it, then how !LibreOffice does not or does not do well that which you desire.

From noreply at  Tue Dec 27 16:02:17 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 16:02:17 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22DebuggingPrintingProblems=22_by_?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "DebuggingPrintingProblems" page has been changed by till-kamppeter:

  Description of known issues, how to recognise them and stock responses/actions.
+ '''evince''': First try to remove (or move away) the {{{~/.config/evince/print-settings}}} especially if you did changes on print queues, printers, drivers, ... Old settings can prevent printing (See bug [[|1652791]]). Also note that evince (and other GTK/GNOME-based applications) often generates very awkward, large PDF files which can make PostScript and PDF printers receive very large and complex files which they cannot cope with. This got improved in newer versions, but old applications, especially ones using GTK 2.x still often cause problems.
  ## '''Open'''
  ##||<rowbgcolor="#eeeeee"> '''Bug#''' || '''Description''' || '''Action''' ||
  ##|| [[|29050]] || Parallel/LPT printer not detected in Dapper and Edgy. Fixed in Feisty. || add "ppdev" to {{{/etc/modules}}} ||

From noreply at  Tue Dec 27 21:20:03 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 21:20:03 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22DebuggingKernelHibernate=22_by_p?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "DebuggingKernelHibernate" page has been changed by penalvch:

Added best practice to debug hibernate URL as good quality, upstream resource.

  Please report whether you got any additional messages. Digital photos of the screen are a sensible way to get this into the bug.
+ = Links =
+ - Best practices to debug hibernate issues
  CategoryKernel CategoryDebugging

From noreply at  Tue Dec 27 21:27:59 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 21:27:59 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22DebuggingKernelSuspend=22_by_pen?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "DebuggingKernelSuspend" page has been changed by penalvch:

1) RM'd 3rd party URLs as just web presentation of previously referenced docs. 2) Added best practice to debug suspend URL as good quality, upstream resource.

  As well, please attach your dmesg.txt to your bug report.
  = Further reading =
  [[|Detailed analysis of ACPI kernel code for debugging a suspend problem]]
- ------
- '''Also see:'''
+ = Links =
   * [[]]
+  * [[]] Best practices to debug suspend issues
   * [[DebuggingKernelHibernate]]
-  * [[|How to get s2ram working]]
-  * [[|Testing suspend to disk (hibernate)]]
   * [[Hotkeys|Troubleshooting hotkey issues]]

From webmaster at  Wed Dec 28 19:36:09 2016
From: webmaster at (Help Ubuntu)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2016 19:36:09 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BCommunity_Help_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22ReportingBugs=22_by_pena?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Community Help Wiki" for change notification.

The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by penalvch:

1) Syntax fixes. 2) Due to LP#1604313 defined supported Ubuntu repositories. 3) RM'ed etiquette notes on PPAs and upgrade failures as redundant to above.

  You should not file a bug if you are:
-  * '''Requesting new software:''' you should follow the guidelines at
+  * '''Requesting new software:''' You should follow the guidelines at [[]].
-  * '''Requesting support:''' there are a multitude of ways you can get help using Ubuntu, such as the [[|Launchpad answer tracker]], the [[|Ask Ubuntu]] site, the [[|Ubuntu forums]], the [[irc://|#ubuntu]] channel on the [[|Freenode IRC]] server, and the [[|ubuntu-users]] mailing list.
+  * '''Requesting support:''' There are a multitude of ways you can get help using Ubuntu, such as the [[|Launchpad answer tracker]], the [[|Ask Ubuntu]] site, the [[|Ubuntu forums]], the [[irc://|#ubuntu]] channel on the [[|Freenode IRC]] server, and the [[|ubuntu-users]] mailing list.
-  * '''Discussing features and existing policy:''' this belongs to the [[|ubuntu-devel-discuss]] mailing list.
+  * '''Discussing features and existing policy:''' This belongs to the [[|ubuntu-devel-discuss]] mailing list.
-  * '''Proposing features and ideas:''' you should submit your idea to the [[|ubuntu-devel-discuss]] mailing list.
+  * '''Proposing features and ideas:''' You should submit your idea to the [[|ubuntu-devel-discuss]] mailing list.
-  * '''Filing a bug against a program not provided by an Ubuntu package:''' You should file a bug in that program's bug tracking interface. Instructions are generally available on the program's web site.
+  * '''Filing a bug against a package not provided by the default, supported Ubuntu repositories:''' This is due to how it wasn't confirmed by Ubuntu Developers for your release. Problems that unsupported software have caused are upgrade issues, and the program or operating system not functioning correctly. Typically, what isn't supported is software from a PPA (Personal Package Archive), 3rd party packages, self-compiled software, etc. For more on supported Ubuntu repositories, please see [[|here]]. If you are using unsupported software, it is best to file a bug in that program's bug tracker directly. Instructions are generally available on the program maintainer's web site.
  /!\ If you want to file a translation or misspelling bug, follow the instructions [[#translation|here]].
@@ -278, +278 @@

   * '''Please keep the bug report as objective as possible.''' <<BR>> It is desired for you to provide a fact based, technical impact statement on you, your environment, and the potential or actual impact on the community at large.
   * '''Please provide all relevant information from [[]] when you first report your bug'''. <<BR>> This is one of the top reasons why bugs do not get marked [[|Triaged]], as the minimum requirements for triaging, and dealing with the problem by a developer are not provided.
   * '''Please avoid arguing with triagers and developers.''' <<BR>> If a triager or developer asks you to provide information, just provide the information as requested. An example of this is claiming exemption because you or someone else filed a bug report upstream or downstream (which is publicly viewable, and has no restrictions on who can file). You are being asked for this information so that it would provide more information on how to fix the problem. Also, not everyone has access to the hardware you are reporting against, or reproduce the problem as advised in the report. Having you provide the information helps eliminate the difficulty in fixing your bug. If you have a strong disagreement with what a triager or developer is asking of you, please resolve it with them directly via personal message, not on the bug report. This avoids turning a bug development report into a “let’s talk about talking about the problem” tangent, distracting from having your bug solved. The Ubuntu community takes a favor to objective, technical discourse.
-  * '''Please do not report bugs about software in [[PPA]]s.''' <<BR>> This is because software in PPAs are not provided by the official Ubuntu repositories, and in turn not supported. Instead, the PPA homepage would have a contact point and preference of the PPA provider. The exception is [[LibreOffice]] as per [[|this mail]], as LibreOffice is too big to be tracked via email: as described in the mail, file a bug on Launchpad with tag `ppa`.
-  * '''Please do not report upgrade failures when you have installed software that is self-compiled, from a third party deb not provided by the Ubuntu repositories, or from a PPA.''' In order to maximize your upgrade success, all this software would need to be uninstalled, or replaced with the corresponding software from the Ubuntu repositories if it is mandatory to keep.
   * '''Please do not add project tasks to bug reports that are invalid because they are not supported'''. <<BR>> For example, if you were using the LibreOffice PPA and reported a bug against the package libreoffice (Ubuntu), which would be marked Status Invalid, please do not add the Launchpad Project [[|df-libreoffice]] to the report, or change the package libreoffice (Ubuntu) to the project df-libreoffice. The purposes of adding the upstream project to a report is to track valid bugs in Ubuntu that are valid upstream, and may have been reported upstream, not to start another upstream bug tracker.
   * '''Many of the triagers and developers who are providing support to you, are volunteers doing so out of altruism. Please keep this in mind when making your comments.'''
   * '''Please do not compress/tar attachments when posting them to a bug report.''' <<BR>> Launchpad doesn't have the same attachment size restriction as other bug reporting platforms. Hence, one may attach large files without fear of rejection. While it is appreciated that one is being considerate and efficient regarding reducing network bandwidth traffic, and storage requirements, this is counteracted by hindering the speed with which a triager or developer may begin analyzing the logs you provide.

From webmaster at  Wed Dec 28 19:42:42 2016
From: webmaster at (Help Ubuntu)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2016 19:42:42 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BCommunity_Help_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22ReportingBugs=22_by_pena?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Community Help Wiki" for change notification.

The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by penalvch:

Adj. etiquette note on project tasks as LibreOffice PPA doesn't apply to this as per: 

   * '''Please keep the bug report as objective as possible.''' <<BR>> It is desired for you to provide a fact based, technical impact statement on you, your environment, and the potential or actual impact on the community at large.
   * '''Please provide all relevant information from [[]] when you first report your bug'''. <<BR>> This is one of the top reasons why bugs do not get marked [[|Triaged]], as the minimum requirements for triaging, and dealing with the problem by a developer are not provided.
   * '''Please avoid arguing with triagers and developers.''' <<BR>> If a triager or developer asks you to provide information, just provide the information as requested. An example of this is claiming exemption because you or someone else filed a bug report upstream or downstream (which is publicly viewable, and has no restrictions on who can file). You are being asked for this information so that it would provide more information on how to fix the problem. Also, not everyone has access to the hardware you are reporting against, or reproduce the problem as advised in the report. Having you provide the information helps eliminate the difficulty in fixing your bug. If you have a strong disagreement with what a triager or developer is asking of you, please resolve it with them directly via personal message, not on the bug report. This avoids turning a bug development report into a “let’s talk about talking about the problem” tangent, distracting from having your bug solved. The Ubuntu community takes a favor to objective, technical discourse.
-  * '''Please do not add project tasks to bug reports that are invalid because they are not supported'''. <<BR>> For example, if you were using the LibreOffice PPA and reported a bug against the package libreoffice (Ubuntu), which would be marked Status Invalid, please do not add the Launchpad Project [[|df-libreoffice]] to the report, or change the package libreoffice (Ubuntu) to the project df-libreoffice. The purposes of adding the upstream project to a report is to track valid bugs in Ubuntu that are valid upstream, and may have been reported upstream, not to start another upstream bug tracker.
+  * '''Please do not add project tasks to bug reports that are invalid because they are not supported'''. <<BR>> For example, if you were using the an application or package from a PPA that is also housed in a supported Ubuntu repository, reported a bug against the software on Launchpad as PACKAGE (Ubuntu), where PACKAGE is the name of the software, please do not add a Launchpad Project to the report, or change the PACKAGE (Ubuntu) to an upstream project task. The purposes of adding the upstream project to a report is to track valid bugs in Ubuntu that are valid upstream, and may have been reported upstream, not to start another upstream bug tracker.
   * '''Many of the triagers and developers who are providing support to you, are volunteers doing so out of altruism. Please keep this in mind when making your comments.'''
   * '''Please do not compress/tar attachments when posting them to a bug report.''' <<BR>> Launchpad doesn't have the same attachment size restriction as other bug reporting platforms. Hence, one may attach large files without fear of rejection. While it is appreciated that one is being considerate and efficient regarding reducing network bandwidth traffic, and storage requirements, this is counteracted by hindering the speed with which a triager or developer may begin analyzing the logs you provide.
   * '''Please test the latest version of the software from upstream.''' <<BR>> Testing the latest upstream release helps in finding out if the issue is a downstream (Ubuntu) issue, or an upstream one as well. If an upstream, then they may also be engaged in seeking support for the problem.

From noreply at  Sat Dec 31 19:50:19 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2016 19:50:19 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22DebuggingProcedures=22_by_penalv?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "DebuggingProcedures" page has been changed by penalvch:

1) Order alphabetical top to bottom. 2) Add Bluetooth. 3) Syntax fixes.

  If you want to add information to this page on how to debug a package, use this [[DebuggingTemplate|template]].
- As part of triaging bug reports about specific packages or subsystems, bug triagers and developers have been writing debugging procedures for them.  These include information about how to troubleshoot issues, gather the proper log files and common bug reports. If you find one missing, and if no one else can help, e-mail the Bug Squad!  You can find them at ubuntu-bugsquad at . Or in #ubuntu-bugs on .
+ As part of triaging bug reports about specific packages or subsystems, bug triagers and developers have been writing debugging procedures for them. These include information about how to troubleshoot issues, gather the proper log files and common bug reports. If you find one missing, and if no one else can help, e-mail the Bug Squad! You can find them at [[ubuntu-bugsquad at]], or in #ubuntu-bugs on [[]].
   * '''[[Bugs/FindRightPackage|Find the Right Package]]'''
   * [[DebuggingProgramCrash|Debugging program crashes]]
@@ -17, +17 @@

  = Desktop Applications =
-  * [[Unity/FilingBugs|Unity]]
   * [[DebuggingAyatana|Ayatana project]]
+  * [[Chromium/Debugging|Chromium]]
   * [[DebuggingEmacs|Emacs]]
+  * [[DebuggingEmpathy|Empathy]]
   * [[DebuggingFirefox|Firefox Web Browser]]
+  * [[DebuggingGnash|Gnash Flash plugin]]
   * [[DebuggingGNOME|GNOME applications - Applets, Banshee, Cheese, Evince, Evolution, Gconf, Nautilus, Network Manager, Power Manager, Screensaver (screen locking), System Tools]]
   * [[DebuggingGwibber|Gwibber]]
+  * [[DebuggingJava|Java]]
   * [[DebuggingKDE|KDE applications]]
   * [[|LibreOffice]]
-  * [[DebuggingGnash|Gnash Flash plugin]]
   * [[DebuggingModemmanager|Modem Manager]]
   * [[DebuggingTelepathy|Telepathy framework]]
-  * [[DebuggingJava|Java]]
-  * [[DebuggingEmpathy|Empathy]]
   * [[UbuntuOne#BugTriage|Ubuntuone]]
-  * [[Chromium/Debugging|Chromium]]
+  * [[Unity/FilingBugs|Unity]]
  = Server Applications =
@@ -44, +44 @@

  = Hardware =
+  * [[DebuggingBluetooth|Bluetooth]]
+  * [[DebuggingACPI|ACPI (power-saving etc.)]]
   * [[DebuggingHardwareDetection|Hardware detection]]
-  * [[DebuggingUdev|Udev (device hotplugging)]]
   * [[DebuggingIRQProblems|IRQ problems]]
-  * [[DebuggingACPI|ACPI (power-saving etc.)]]
+  * [[DebuggingKeyboardDetection|Keyboard detection]]
+  * [[DebuggingMouseDetection|Mouse detection]]
+  * [[DebuggingPrintingProblems|Printing problems]]
   * [[DebuggingSoundProblems|Sound problems]]
-  * [[DebuggingPrintingProblems|Printing problems]]
-  * [[DebuggingMouseDetection|Mouse detection]]
   * [[DebuggingTouchpadDetection|Touchpad detection]]
   * [[Hotkeys/Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting Hotkeys]]
-  * [[DebuggingKeyboardDetection|Keyboard detection]]
+  * [[DebuggingUdev|Udev (device hotplugging)]]
   * [[|USB problems]]
- = Storage devices =
+ == Storage devices ==
   * [[DebuggingIDEIssues|IDE issues]]
   * [[DebuggingLvm|LVM (Logical Volume Management)]]
@@ -66, +67 @@

   * [[KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies|Kernel Team bug policies]]
- ## please add any new debugging pages to the Kernel/Debugging page in the Debugging Scenarios section and they will appear here and all other appropriate places together.
+ ## please add any new debugging pages to the page in the Debugging Scenarios section and they will appear here and all other appropriate places together.
  <<Include(Kernel/Debugging, , from="== Debugging Scenarios ==$", to="==")>>
  = Installation and Upgrades =
+  * [[DebuggingInstallationIssues|Installing and updating packages (General issues)]]
   * [[DebuggingCasper|Live CD booting problems (casper)]]
   * [[DebuggingUbiquity|Live CD installation problems (ubiquity)]]
   * [[DebuggingUpdateManager|Upgrading releases and updating packages (update-manager)]]
-  * [[DebuggingInstallationIssues|Installing and updating packages (General issues)]]
  = Debugging Tools =
+  * [[Backtrace]]
   * [[MemoryTest|Memory test]]
-  * [[Backtrace]]
   * [[Strace]]
   * [[Valgrind]]
@@ -98, +99 @@

  = Template =
- We've created a template file for debugging procedure pages if you want to write a new one.  The template provides a similar look and feel for all pages and ensures that they cover common subjects.
+ We've created a template file for debugging procedure pages if you want to write a new one. The template provides a similar look and feel for all pages and ensures that they cover common subjects.
   * [[DebuggingTemplate|The debugging template file]]

From noreply at  Sat Dec 31 20:54:40 2016
From: noreply at (Ubuntu Wiki)
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2016 20:54:40 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BUbuntu_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22DebuggingProcedures=22_by_penalv?=
Message-ID: <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The "DebuggingProcedures" page has been changed by penalvch:

1) Expanded Kernel Include to include missing sections that would be helpful. 2) RM'ed dup links. 3) Rename = Debugging Tools = as overlaps w/ kernel tools heading.

   * [[DebuggingOpenldap|Open LDAP]]
   * [[DebuggingSamba|Samba]]
+ = Application Debugging Tools =
+  * [[Backtrace]]
+  * [[MemoryTest|Memory test]]
+  * [[Strace]]
+  * [[Valgrind]]
  = Hardware =
-  * [[DebuggingACPI|ACPI (power-saving etc.)]]
   * [[DebuggingBluetooth|Bluetooth]]
   * [[DebuggingHardwareDetection|Hardware detection]]
-  * [[DebuggingIRQProblems|IRQ problems]]
   * [[DebuggingKeyboardDetection|Keyboard detection]]
   * [[DebuggingMouseDetection|Mouse detection]]
   * [[DebuggingPrintingProblems|Printing problems]]
-  * [[DebuggingSoundProblems|Sound problems]]
   * [[DebuggingTouchpadDetection|Touchpad detection]]
   * [[Hotkeys/Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting Hotkeys]]
   * [[DebuggingUdev|Udev (device hotplugging)]]
-  * [[|USB problems]]
  == Storage devices ==
@@ -68, +71 @@

   * [[KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies|Kernel Team bug policies]]
  ## please add any new debugging pages to the page in the Debugging Scenarios section and they will appear here and all other appropriate places together.
- <<Include(Kernel/Debugging, , from="== Debugging Scenarios ==$", to="==")>>
+ <<Include(Kernel/Debugging, , from="== Introduction ==$", to="== Links ==$")>>
  = Installation and Upgrades =
@@ -76, +79 @@

   * [[DebuggingCasper|Live CD booting problems (casper)]]
   * [[DebuggingUbiquity|Live CD installation problems (ubiquity)]]
   * [[DebuggingUpdateManager|Upgrading releases and updating packages (update-manager)]]
- = Debugging Tools =
-  * [[Backtrace]]
-  * [[MemoryTest|Memory test]]
-  * [[Strace]]
-  * [[Valgrind]]
  = Miscellaneous =