[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Bugs/Bug statuses" by penalvch

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Sun Jul 19 16:01:29 UTC 2015

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The "Bugs/Bug statuses" page has been changed by penalvch:

Due to LP#1178982 c#38 and others, clarified Status Invalid.

    * This status is considered an experiment, and will be closely monitored.
   * '''Invalid''':
+   * This status means the report is closed, and no further triaging or development will continue towards it.
+   * This status should be used when:
-   * This status should be used when the report does not contain adequate information to determine whether or not it is a bug even if it is resolved for the reporter.
+    * The report does not contain adequate information to determine whether or not it is a bug, even if it is resolved for the reporter.
-   * This should also be used if the reported problem is not a bug at all. For example, user's lack of knowledge on how something works, hardware failure, or fixed after updating a buggy, and outdated BIOS.
+    * The reported problem is not a bug at all. For example, the reporter's lack of knowledge on how something works, hardware failure, or fixed after updating a buggy, and outdated BIOS.
    * It should be used conservatively as reports marked as Invalid no longer show up in default searches.
    * Be sure to triple-check a report before you invalidate it.

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