sorting bugs

Brian Murray brian at
Thu Jan 29 15:31:23 UTC 2015

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 05:30:35PM -0800, Walter Lapchynski wrote:
> One thing I've struggled with in trying to get new bug triagers on
> board is helping them find which bugs to work on.

If these are people brand new to bug triage, then I'd have them work on
a piece of software that interests them. Let's say I like hiking (true),
so I use gpsprune and pytrainer to manage my gps tracks. Subsequently,
I'm likely to be familiar with both pieces of software and in a position
to better recreate any bugs reported about them. Additionally, I have a
personal interest in making the software better so will be more
motivated to do the right thing and work conscientiously.

Then when people have the principles down have them move onto things
that they are less familiar with and which may be more complicated.

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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