Adobe Flash Online Settings Manager isn't working

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Wed Jan 28 19:38:29 UTC 2015

Damir B:
> Do your guys' Adobe Flash installations work otherwise under Firefox?
> I.e, you are able to play flash videos just fine (and not Youtube HTML5
> for example) but just can't access the settings panel?

Yes, it works everywhere else.

Damir B:
 > Have you tried doing; *sudo apt-get install flash-player-properties* ?

The Terminal says "unable to locate package flash-player-properties".

Damir B:
 > Because we have the same version of flash and everything works fine
 > for me and presumably other 12.04 users, I would say this "bug" would
 > be better suited to be reported against Ubuntu 14.10 on Launchpad,
 > and not on the Adobe forums.

Because this bug only affects that particular web-page, probably the bug 
is only fixable in the server side. Shall I report nowadays?


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