Unity 7 & Compiz bug triage

Stephen M. Webb stephen.webb at canonical.com
Thu Aug 20 11:28:26 UTC 2015

On 15-08-20 07:06 AM, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> Will Cooke:
>> I think we need to shoot for a process which can be be performed by
>> anyone, without training, and done quickly.
> If the process is in a wiki that is written in such a way that anyone could understand it, and it is broken into steps
> and short pages so people read exactly the amount of information they need in that moment in time, then it would do the
> job.
> You can also provide the adequate links to which bugs you want people to work on in Launchpad, so they don't need to
> figure out how to use the advance search feature themselves.

This is an excellent suggestion:  even something as simple as a link from a "how can I help" page to a pre-canned
Launchpad bug search would be a start.  It is in fact difficult right now for an outsider to easily fund some way to

> Also if you provide some way of visually measuring process you will see that people gets much more motivated. In fact
> this is why everyone is that hanged to social networking today; because everything from likes, friends, and messages are
> quantified. When you see this figures going where you want, you get motivated by design.

Now there's an interesting suggestion:  gamify the triaging system.  Anyone up for writing a mobile app for triaging
bugs?  Publish daily high scores!  Add a little bit of braincandy music and pleasing sound whenever a bug goes from NEW
to some other status and some fancy animations, grab their attention then keep them hooked.  Seriously.

Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.webb at canonical.com>

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