Unity 7 & Compiz bug triage

Stephen M. Webb stephen.webb at canonical.com
Tue Aug 18 12:26:44 UTC 2015

On 15-08-17 08:04 AM, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> Will Cooke:
>> In order for us to best target our efforts we need to have a clear view
>> of which bugs are causing the biggest pain points.
> Set importance first and do everything else later. Then the effort will go to the optimal place:
> <http://abc-aluminum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/infographic_5S-e1422991779675.png>
> Also if the software is in production and frequently used, focus on confirmed bugs for the latest releases. Everything
> else usually is just noise, and usually users confirm themselves bugs that are really important for them.

Unfortunately in the case of the Unity 7 stack, this is simply not scalable advice.

With well over 3000 bugs in the entire stack, just a simple linear iteration for an individual to determine the
importance of a bug is untenable.  Most of these bugs are in the form 'Unity mysteriously crashed for no reason' and has
been autoconfirmed because someone saw it and clicked 'affects me' -- they also saw a crash window pop up for no reason.

To do a full and complete bug triage of every single extant bug, something that can take many minutes of set up, and
would take about 2 full-time months of work.  Just for setting priorities.  I know, I've tried.  It's just not really a
practical goal.

Focusing on simply setting importance or on confirmed bugs is not working well enough for Unity.  That's why Will has
asked for feedback and tagging from the Unity 7 community, so his team can focus on what seem to be the biggest problems.

Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.webb at canonical.com>

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