[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Bugs/Triage" by tdaitx

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Sun Aug 2 00:25:10 UTC 2015

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The "Bugs/Triage" page has been changed by tdaitx:

Fix importance link in 'confirmed bugs' section

  Only if '''ALL''' of these conditions are satisfied, you can set the status of the bug report to 'Triaged'.  To do this:
   * Change the "Status" field to "Triaged".
-  * If not done yet, assign the appropriate [[Bugs/Bug importance|importance]].
+  * If not done yet, assign the appropriate [[Bugs/Importance|importance]].
   * Click "Save changes".
  In order to set bug statuses to 'Triaged' you need to be a member of the [[UbuntuBugControl|Ubuntu Bug Control]] team. If you are not a Bug Control member, and you find a bug you believe is ready to be marked as Triaged, then please join the #ubuntu-bugs channel on irc.freenode.net and provide a link to the report. A Bug Control member can then examine the report and, if it is ready, mark it as Triaged for you.

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