From webmaster at Fri Sep 5 00:23:25 2014
From: webmaster at (Help Ubuntu)
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 00:23:25 -0000
Subject: =?utf-8?q?=5BCommunity_Help_Wiki=5D_Update_of_=22ReportingBugs=22_by_pena?=
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Dear Wiki user,
You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Community Help Wiki" for change notification.
The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by penalvch:
1) Rolled up all etiquette information in lower sect.s into one sect. at top with two sub-sect. with cleaner format. 2) Added some new etiquette guidelines. 3) RM'ed EoL notes.
= Bug reporting etiquette =
- Thank you for reading this article. This will guide you on how best to present your bug report so that it gets addressed as soon as possible. While this is targeted to the new bug reporter, experienced reporters would find these tips invaluable in getting their bugs looked at by a developer and ultimately fixed:
+ Thank you for reading this article. This will guide you on how best to present your bug report so that it gets addressed as soon as possible. While this is targeted to the new bug reporter, experienced reporters would find these tips invaluable in getting their bugs looked at by a developer and ultimately fixed.
+ == All bug reports ==
- <
- Before filing any linux kernel related reports on Launchpad, please '''update your BIOS''', and hardware firmware (CF card readers, SSDs, USB 3.0 controllers, DVD/CD drives, etc.) to the newest available from your vendor. Outdated and buggy BIOS and firmware is a common cause of a variety of hardware issues (ex. freezing after lightDM login, intermittent wireless, suspend not working, certain keys on keyboard not working correctly, card readers not working, and kernel panics after plugging USB drive in). Also, please don't make the invalid argument that because it works in Windows, but doesn't in linux, this isn't caused by an outdated BIOS. This is due to how buggy BIOS problems may manifest themselves in linux, but not in Windows. As well, because BIOS vendors typically test to Windows only and make release notes commenting on results to it, it wouldn't advise on if a problem in linux is resolved by it. Hence, one should update anyways, even if your problem isn't specifically mentioned. In addition, BIOS updates are for collateral damage avoidance. For more about BIOS updates, please see [[|here]].
- <
- Please do not claim because you or someone else filed a bug report upstream or downstream (which is publicly viewable, and has no restrictions on who can file) you are somehow exempt from providing the information a developer or triager requested. You are being asked for this information so that it would provide more information on how to fix the problem.
- <
- '''Please do not speculate on what you think is or isn't a duplicate report''' (ex. I googled around and found bug report...). This is largely unhelpful as it tends not to be a duplicate, and already has been or easily done by triagers and developers. Instead, if you are the original reporter, ensuring the report has all the requested testing information performed would be the fastest way to ensure your bug is resolved as soon as possible. If you are not the original reporter, it's best to file a new report, so that necessary debugging attachments are reviewed. It is a common misconception that filing a potential duplicate report is wasteful. Filing potential duplicates isn't wasteful, and is actually preferred to ease triaging.
+ * '''Please do not speculate on what you think is or isn't a duplicate report.''' <
> For example, "I googled around and found bug report number..." This is largely unhelpful as it tends not to be a duplicate, and already has been or easily done by triagers and developers. Instead, if you are the original reporter, ensuring the report has all the requested testing information performed would be the fastest way to ensure your bug is resolved as soon as possible. If you are not the original reporter, it's best to file a new report, so that necessary debugging attachments are reviewed. It is a common misconception that filing a potential duplicate report is wasteful. Filing a new report is quite helpful, and is preferred to ease triaging.
- <
- Please '''do not quote Wikipedia''' and other non-primary resource information as fact on [[Launchpad]].
+ * '''Please do not quote Wikipedia and other non-primary resource information as fact on [[Launchpad]].'''
- <
- Many [[|Linux]] package, hardware, and other non-user space bugs are hardware dependent on both the hardware itself, and what other hardware the problematic hardware is connected to. The rule of thumb is '''''one report, per person, per hardware combination, per bug'''''. For more on this please see [[|here]], and further below in this article. As well, please do not post comments to another person's report, claiming you have the same problem, because you have the same hardware, or same computer model. Instead, please file a separate report, and make comments there. This is because no one can verify if you would have the same problem or not, because your hardware can not be analyzed.
- <
- '''Please do not complain because someone sent what one perceives to be a automated or "canned" response'''. If the response is asking you to do something that you have't done (ex. test the latest development release, file a new report, etc.) do it, as it would get you closer to having your bug fixed. Complaining about this is inconsiderate of the Ubuntu triagers and developers who are saving time in comparison to hand typing every single character in an e-mail that goes out their inbox.
+ * '''Please do not complain because someone sent what one perceives to be a automated or "canned" response'''. <
> If the response is asking you to do something that you have't done (ex. test the latest development release, file a new report, etc.) do it, as it would get you closer to having your bug fixed faster. Complaining about this is inconsiderate of the Ubuntu triagers and developers who are saving time in comparison to hand typing every single character in an e-mail that goes out their inbox.
- <
- For bugs in the [[|Linux (Ubuntu)]] package, unless the upstream maintainer or kernel developer notes otherwise, if a new mainline kernel comes out, and you haven't tested with it, you run the strong risk of it not being attended to upstream.
+ * '''Please test the latest version of the package that is considered responsible for the problem.''' <
> For bugs in the [[|Linux (Ubuntu)]] package, unless the upstream maintainer or kernel developer notes otherwise, if a new mainline kernel comes out, and you haven't tested with it, you run the strong risk of it not being attended to upstream.
- <
- Please '''do not solicit non-original reporters to post comments, attachments, etc.'''
- <
- Please '''do not post comments such as “Me too!”, “+1”, “bump”, “same here”, etc.,''' as it is largely unhelpful, produces spammy e-mail traffic to everyone subscribed to the report, and quite often turns out not to be the same root cause. Instead, please follow the below mentioned procedures.
+ * '''Please do not post comments such as “Me too!”, “+1”, “bump”, “same here”, etc.''', as it is largely unhelpful, produces spammy e-mail traffic to everyone subscribed to the report, and quite often turns out not to be the same root cause. Instead, please follow the below mentioned procedures.
+ * '''Please do not post URLs of requested information.''' <
> For example, links to,,, etc. If a triager or developer asks you for some information on reproducing or testing, please do not make them dumpster dive by just posting a URL, or saying you already did something in some other report. Instead, put the full reproduction or testing results into the report itself, and if you have to, then post the link.
- <
- If a triager or developer asks you for some information on reproducing or testing, please do make them dumpster dive by just posting a URL, or saying you already did something in some other report. Instead, put the full reproduction or testing results into the report itself, and if you have to, then post the link.
- <
- Please '''do not stack multiple issues into one report'''. For example, jamming suspend and hibernate into one report, reporting multiple [[|hotkey]] problems into one report (ex. Fn+F3 doesn't turn off my laptop WiFi, Fn+Right doesn't turn the brightness on my [[|backlight]] down, my brightness settings are not remembered after reboot, etc.). Please make one report for each individual problem.
+ * '''Please do not stack multiple issues into one report'''. <
> For example, jamming suspend and hibernate into one report, reporting multiple [[|hotkey]] problems into one report (ex. Fn+F3 doesn't turn off my laptop WiFi, Fn+Right doesn't turn the brightness on my [[|backlight]] down, my brightness settings are not remembered after reboot, etc.). Please make one report for each individual problem.
- <
- Please '''do not complain''' about how long it takes to fix a bug, the severity of your bug is high so it should be fixed immediately, “I cannot believe it’s not fixed…”, XYZ person(s) do not care about fixing bugs, etc. Especially, if you have not followed the directions mentioned in this article, let alone contributed code upstream. This type of behavior is unconstructive, irritating to others who read your e-mail, and spammy. We all want to see every bug fixed as soon as possible! Naturally, bugs being fixed is limited to reproducibility and clarity of the bug report, the actual impact the bug has on the community, and available developer resources.
+ * '''Please do not complain about how long it takes to fix a bug.''' <
> This goes along with saying things like severity of your bug is high so it should be fixed immediately, “I cannot believe it’s not fixed…”, XYZ person(s) do not care about fixing bugs, etc. Especially, if you have not followed the directions mentioned in this article, let alone contributed code upstream. This type of behavior is unconstructive, irritating to others who read your e-mail, and spammy. We all want to see every bug fixed as soon as possible! Naturally, bugs being fixed is limited to reproducibility and clarity of the bug report, the actual impact the bug has on the community, and available developer resources.
- <
- Please '''keep the bug objective''' as possible. It is desired for you to provide a fact based, technical impact statement on you, your environment, and the potential or actual impact on the community at large.
+ * '''Please keep the bug report as objective as possible.''' <
> It is desired for you to provide a fact based, technical impact statement on you, your environment, and the potential or actual impact on the community at large.
- <
- Please '''provide all relevant information from [[]] when you first report your bug'''. This is one of the top reasons why bugs do not get marked [[|Triaged]], as the minimum requirements for dealing with the problem by a developer are not provided.
+ * '''Please provide all relevant information from [[]] when you first report your bug'''. <
> This is one of the top reasons why bugs do not get marked [[|Triaged]], as the minimum requirements for triaging, and dealing with the problem by a developer are not provided.
+ * '''Please avoid arguing with triagers and developers.''' <
> If a triager or developer asks you to provide information, just provide the information as requested. An example of this is claiming exemption because you or someone else filed a bug report upstream or downstream (which is publicly viewable, and has no restrictions on who can file). You are being asked for this information so that it would provide more information on how to fix the problem. Also, not everyone has access to the hardware you are reporting against, or reproduce the problem as advised in the report. Having you provide the information helps eliminate the difficulty in fixing your bug. If you have a strong disagreement with what a triager or developer is asking of you, please resolve it with them directly via personal message, not on the bug report. This avoids turning a bug development report into a “let’s talk about talking about the problem” tangent, distracting from having your bug solved. The Ubuntu community takes a favor to objective, technical discourse.
- <
- If a triager or developer asks you to provide information, please '''avoid arguing''' with them and just provide the information as requested. This is due to how not everyone has access to the hardware you are reporting against, so having you provide the information helps eliminate the difficulty in fixing your bug. If you have a strong disagreement with what a triager or developer is asking of you, please resolve it with them via personal message, instead of turning a bug development report into a “let’s talk about talking about the problem” report. The Ubuntu community takes a favor to objective, technical discourse.
- <
- Please '''do not report bugs about software in [[PPA]]s''' on Launchpad. This is because software in PPAs are not provided by the official Ubuntu repositories. Instead, the PPA homepage would have a contact point and preference of the PPA provider. The exception is [[LibreOffice]] as per [[|this mail]], as LibreOffice is too big to be tracked via email: as described in the mail, file a bug on Launchpad with tag `ppa`.
+ * '''Please do not report bugs about software in [[PPA]]s.''' <
> This is because software in PPAs are not provided by the official Ubuntu repositories. Instead, the PPA homepage would have a contact point and preference of the PPA provider. The exception is [[LibreOffice]] as per [[|this mail]], as LibreOffice is too big to be tracked via email: as described in the mail, file a bug on Launchpad with tag `ppa`.
- <
- Please '''do not add project tasks to bug reports that are invalid because they are not supported'''. For example, if you were using the LibreOffice PPA and reported a bug against the package libreoffice (Ubuntu), which would be marked Status Invalid, please do not add the Launchpad Project [[|df-libreoffice]] to the report, or change the package libreoffice (Ubuntu) to the project df-libreoffice. The purposes of adding the upstream project to a report is to track valid bugs in Ubuntu that are valid upstream, and may have been reported upstream, not to start another upstream bug tracker.
+ * '''Please do not add project tasks to bug reports that are invalid because they are not supported'''. <
> For example, if you were using the LibreOffice PPA and reported a bug against the package libreoffice (Ubuntu), which would be marked Status Invalid, please do not add the Launchpad Project [[|df-libreoffice]] to the report, or change the package libreoffice (Ubuntu) to the project df-libreoffice. The purposes of adding the upstream project to a report is to track valid bugs in Ubuntu that are valid upstream, and may have been reported upstream, not to start another upstream bug tracker.
+ * '''When posting new comments to a Launchpad report, please do not reply and include every past comment made.''' <
> Doing so makes it onerous to read a report, and is wasteful. Instead just make your new comment, or just include the relevant portion of a previous comment you are responding to.
+ * '''Please do not announce in a report you did not file, that you filed a new report.'''
- <
- When posting new comments to a report, please do not include every past comment made, as doing so makes it onerous to read a report, and is wasteful. Instead just make your new comment, or just include the relevant portion of a previous comment you are responding to.
- <
- '''Many of the triagers and developers who are providing support to you, are volunteers doing so out of altruism. Please keep this in mind when making your comments.'''
+ * '''Many of the triagers and developers who are providing support to you, are volunteers doing so out of altruism. Please keep this in mind when making your comments.'''
+ * '''Please do not compress attachments when posting them to a bug report.''' <
> Launchpad doesn't have the same attachment size restriction as other bug reporting platforms. Hence, one may attach large files without fear of rejection. While it is appreciated that one is being considerate and efficient regarding reducing network bandwidth traffic, and storage requirements, this is counteracted by hindering the speed with which a triager or developer may begin analyzing the logs you provide.
+ * '''Please test the latest version of the software from upstream.''' <
> Testing the latest upstream release helps in finding out if the issue is a downstream (Ubuntu) issue, or an upstream one as well. If an upstream, then they may also be engaged in seeking support for the problem.
+ * '''Please check to see if you problem is a regression.''' <
> If your bug is a regression, it is most helpful to have it bisected. If it is a linux kernel issue, one would consult the article on [[|bisection]]. Report your bisect results in the report.
+ * '''Please do not run apport-collect more than once per release tested.''' <
> For example, if you originally reported a bug in Trusty via Apport, and then could reproduce it in Utopic, only run apport-collect once in Trusty. This minimizes unnecessary E-Mail traffic to those subscribed to your report and keeps the report efficient.
+ == Hardware bug reports (linux kernel, xorg, sound, etc.) ==
+ * '''Before filing your report, please update your BIOS, and hardware firmware (CF card readers, SSDs, USB 3.0 controllers, DVD/CD drives, external USB drives, etc.) to the newest available from your vendor.''' <
> Outdated and buggy BIOS and firmware is a common cause of a variety of hardware issues (ex. freezing after lightDM login, intermittent wireless, suspend/hibernate not working, intermittent touchpad, certain keys on keyboard not working correctly, card readers not working, and kernel panics after plugging USB drive in). Also, please don't make the invalid argument that because it works in Windows, but doesn't in linux, this isn't caused by an outdated BIOS. This is due to how buggy BIOS problems may manifest themselves in linux, but not in Windows, and vice versa. As well, because BIOS vendors typically test to Windows only and make release notes commenting on results to it, it wouldn't advise on if a problem in linux is resolved by it. Hence, one should update anyways, even if your problem isn't specifically mentioned. In addition, BIOS updates are for collateral damage avoidance. For more about BIOS updates, please see [[|here]].
+ * '''One report, per person, per hardware combination, per bug'''. <
> Many [[|Linux]] package, hardware, and other non-user space bugs are hardware dependent on both the hardware itself, and what other hardware the problematic hardware is connected to. For more on this please see [[|here]], and further below in this article.
+ * '''Please do not post comments to another persons report, claiming you have the same or similar hardware or problem.''' <
> Instead, please file a separate report, and make comments there. This is because no one can verify if you would have the same problem or not, because your hardware can not be analyzed. Also, vendors can have different parts under the hood of the same model line.
+ * ''' Please do not attempt to apport-collect to another persons report.''' <
> Running apport-collect when not specifically asked by a triager or developer creates spammy E-Mail traffic for those subscribed, clutters up the bug report with undesired attachments, and hinders the bug getting addressed quickly. As well, your attachments are subject to immediate deletion at the discretion of developers and triagers. Instead, please open a new report via ubuntu-bug. Please note that attempting to run `apport-collect bug_number` against a [[|linux]] package bug report, while booted into a [[|mainline]] linux kernel will not work. This is due to how Ubuntu does not provide support for mainline kernels. For more on this, please see [[|here]].
+ * '''Please do not solicit non-original reporters to post comments, attachments, etc.'''
+ * '''Please do not attach anything to another persons report.''' <
> Adding undesired attachments when not asked by a triager or developer creates spammy E-Mail traffic for those subscribed, clutters up the bug report with undesired attachments, and hinders the bug getting addressed quickly. As well, your attachments are subject to deletion at the discretion of developers and triagers.
= How to report bugs =
Ubuntu uses [[Launchpad]] to keep track of bugs and their fixes. This page will guide you through the steps required to file a good and detailed report.
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/!\ If you want to file a translation or misspelling bug, follow the instructions [[#translation|here]].
- == Make sure the bug hasn’t already been reported ==
+ == Perform a survey of your problem ==
First, check the release notes for your version of Ubuntu:
* [[|Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)]]
* [[|Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)]]
- * [[|Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)]]
- * [[|Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)]]
+ * [[|Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)]] <
+ Second, check Launchpad for any duplicates, and make note of this.
- === Hardware driver bugs (e.g. sound, Linux kernel, X.Org, and Nvidia / AMD proprietary drivers) ===
- * For hardware driver bugs you are welcome to check for duplicates. However, depending on if you are the original reporter or not, determines what to do next. The following is a list of hardware packages:
- * For sound bugs please see [[]].
- * [[|Linux]] kernel (e.g. suspend, hibernate, and other [[|potential kernel issues]]).
- * [[|xorg]] and [[|xorg-server]]
- * [[|xserver-xorg-input-synaptics]] (e.g. [[|certain Touchpad issues]]).
- * [[|xserver-xorg-video-intel]] and other xserver-xorg-video-* like nouveau, radeon, ati, openchrome, geode, etc.
- * Nvidia proprietary driver software: [[|nvidia-graphics-drivers]] , [[|graphics-drivers-173]] , [[|nvidia-settings]] , and [[|nvidia-graphics-drivers-180]] .
- * AMD proprietary drivers: [[|fglrx-installer]] and [[|fglrx-installer-updates]].
- ==== You are not the original reporter ====
- * Please '''open a new report''' instead of adding debugging information, attachments, apport-collect’ing, or “Me too!” comments on what may appear to be a similar bug. Chances are that your hardware does not match the existing bug’s hardware, so your bug and comments will not be addressed. As well, unless asked of you by a developer or triager, please do not mark your bug a duplicate of another reporter's bug.
- * Please do not assume because you have the same desktop or laptop model line as another original reporter’s bug report, that your problem is the same. Frequently, computer vendors use different parts under the hood within the same model line.
- * Regarding peripherals, please do not assume because you have the same peripheral, and similar problems, it is the same bug. Please file a new bug report.
- ==== You are the original reporter ====
- If you are the original reporter, here are the ways to maximize the speed with which your bug is fixed:
- * Check for the problem in the earliest release that works for your hardware and the latest. Report your testing results in the report.
- * Test for this problem in the mainline kernel following [[]]. Report your mainline testing results in the report.
- * If your bug is a regression, bisect it following [[]]. Report your bisect results in the report.
=== Desktop Applications ===
- For [[|desktop applications]], please make sure it has not already been reported by searching through [[|existing bugs]]. If you find an already reported bug that is exactly like the problem you have, please feel free to add this information to the existing report, rather than opening a new one. However, if you have any doubt as to it being the same or not, please file a separate report.
+ For [[|desktop applications]], if you find an already reported bug that is exactly like the problem you have, please feel free to add this information to the existing report, rather than opening a new one. However, if you have any doubt as to it being the same or not, please file a separate report.
[[#Top|Back to top]]
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Please report an application crash via the methods outlined below and at [[]].
- If an application crashes, and you're using a development release, Apport will start automatically, raising an appropriate bug report for you to complete in Launchpad. This report is subsequently processed by [[Apport Retracing Service]], in order to provide developers with debugging information that make it easier to fix the problem.
+ If an application crashes, and you're using a development release, Apport should start automatically, raising an appropriate bug report for you to complete in Launchpad. This report is subsequently processed by [[Apport Retracing Service]], in order to provide developers with debugging information that make it easier to fix the problem.
== Reporting an application crash in the stable release ==
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